Descript Eye Contact Review and Demo – TRY FREE

Descript Eye Contact Review and Demo - TRY FREE

Descript Eye Contact Review and Demo

Introducing the groundbreaking Descript Eye Contact AI Feature! No more awkwardly glancing away from the camera while reading scripts or slides. With Eye Contact, powered by advanced AI technology, your gaze will seamlessly adjust to maintain direct eye contact with your audience, enhancing the authenticity and connection of your videos. Whether you’re a seasoned news anchor, a late-night host, or a budding YouTube star, Eye Contact ensures that you can effortlessly engage your viewers without the need for a cumbersome teleprompter or the hassle of memorization. Say goodbye to retakes and hello to a more polished and professional on-screen presence.

#DescriptEyeContact #descript #descriptreview #AI #VideoEditing #YouTubeRanking

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Can you be faked out by fake eyes AI Eyes well check out new descript eye Contact feature I'm going to go ahead And do a demo walkr I actually have a Really big problem of looking around While I'm doing presentations reading on The screen so it looks like I'm reading And I'm not actually talking to the Camera this is a new revolutionary way To be able to look professional crisp And clean every time that you do a Presentation and the great thing is it Only takes a few seconds and you can go Ahead and straighten out your eye Contact so it always looks like you have A personal connection with your audience And with the people that you're talking To so let's go ahead and dive into the Platform so that you can see it how easy It is and how it's just one click of the Button to fix your eye content Issues hey this is Daniel the passive Cash stacker and today we are going to Be talking about descript new eye Contact feature where when you are Looking to the side or you're looking Around it actually looks like you are Looking directly at the screen and it's Done with AI so when you go into Descript uh they actually tell you about It where you no longer uh need to have Retakes for memorization you don't need To have a teleprompter uh there with you And you can actually actually choose the

Way that you want your eyeballs to look And it will always look like you are Looking straight ahead uh while you are Doing your recordings as opposed to Reading down or reading up or reading to The side or looking to the side it will Always be looking ahead so we're going To go ahead and look at the settings Really quick but this is done with AI so You can actually do your regular Recording and you never have to worry About your eyes looking crazy again Where you're looking off to the side or It looks like you are not looking at Your audience you're not looking at your Presenters and uh it really looks Inpersonal uh the great thing about Descript new eye contact feature is it Always looks like you're right there With the person you're talking to on the Other side of the camera so let's go Ahead and dive into descript we'll go Ahead and look at this video and see if We can go ahead and get our eyeballs Looking nice Now as usual you see all of our filler Words here in our spaces so of course You can come up here to actions and you Can go ahead and remove all of the Filler words you can go ahead and Shorten all of the word gaps you can do That really really quickly but if you See over here in our video I actually Have some spots where I'm looking away

From the video so all we do is we go Ahead and take the cut tool and we go Ahead and select where we want to cut The video clip then we select the video Clip that we want so we have this video Clip here and then we just come down Here to effects and we click eye contact Now with this eye contact what it's Going to do is it's going to go ahead And take AI it's going to go ahead and Visualize our eyes and we are going to Go ahead and go ahead and Create Our clip and you see here it's already 80% done now it's saying for playback It's not going to play for us but right Here it's 80% done and it is creating Our AI eyes so it looks like we are Looking directly at the screen while People are watching us so we're not Looking Away now when you are doing this if you Don't actually see this timeline to edit You can actually click the button where It says timeline so you can either show Timeline or you can hide the timeline And of course you want to go ahead and Show the timeline so you can get in here And edit whichever pieces you need for Your ey Contact if you're ready to start looking More professional make sure you click The link in the description so you can Go ahead and try a free trial of the new

Eye contact feature as well as being Able to pull out filler words and spaces So that you can quickly and easily edit Any length video in a matter of seconds Thank you so much for watching here on The passive cash stacker we'll see you Next time and leave a comment down below How you are liking the descript eye Contact feature I can't wait to Hear there is nothing more than I like Than saving time and if nothing else Descript saves you a ton of time it also Does so many other things which you can Watch the other videos about but the new Eye contact feature along with the Taking out the filler words and the Spaces is a is an awesome combination And they are definitely something that You need to try out for free today click The link you won't be Sorry

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About the Author: masterpassive