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Helium 10 Black Friday Promo code coupon code discount deal Helium10 Black-Friday Review Bonus
Helium 10 Black Friday Deal: Maximize Your Amazon FBA and KDP Profits!
Discover the ultimate Helium 10 Black Friday coupon code with Daniel, the Passive Cash Stacker! This video reveals how to grab the biggest discount ever, doubling the regular exclusive offer and extending the validity period. Daniel showcases how Helium 10 helps you find winning Amazon FBA products, track competitor keywords, and boost your sales. He also demonstrates how to leverage Helium 10 tools for product research, keyword optimization, and automated review requests. Don’t miss out on this exclusive deal and enhance your Amazon business strategy with Helium 10!
1. Finding the Right Product to Sell
Problem: “What should I sell? Scented staplers? Glow-in-the-dark bananas?” Solution: Helium 10’s Black Box tool sifts through millions of products based on criteria like demand, competition, and profit margins. It’s like Tinder for Amazon products—swipe right on your perfect niche.
2. Identifying Trends
Problem: You’re stuck selling outdated fidget spinners when slime kits are taking over. Solution: The Trendster tool predicts emerging trends and seasonal shifts. It’s your crystal ball, minus the spooky fortune-teller.
3. Understanding Market Competition
Problem: Entering a niche only to find Bezos-level competitors already dominating. Solution: Helium 10’s Xray tool provides real-time sales data, revenue estimates, and competitor analysis. It’s like having an espionage agency in your corner.
4. Keyword Research
Problem: You thought “cupholder organizer” was good, but everyone’s searching for “car console caddy.” Solution: The Cerebro tool pulls keywords straight from competitors’ listings, while Magnet finds high-volume keywords. Say goodbye to SEO guesswork.
5. Optimizing Listings
Problem: Your listing reads like a grocery receipt and scares customers away. Solution: Frankenstein helps you craft keyword-rich, engaging listings that rank and convert. It’s like turning Dr. Seuss rhymes into Shakespearean sales poetry.
6. Pricing Your Products
Problem: Price too high, and customers flee. Price too low, and you lose money. Solution: Profitability Calculator factors in fees, costs, and margins to determine optimal pricing. Think of it as your financial GPS.
7. Tracking Competitors
Problem: You never know when competitors drop their prices or add new products. Solution: The Market Tracker monitors changes in your niche. Now you can always stay two steps ahead, like a chess grandmaster.
8. Staying on Top of Inventory
Problem: Running out of stock mid-Prime Day? Ouch. Solution: Inventory Management predicts demand and sets reorder reminders. You’ll never play the “out of stock, out of luck” game again.
9. Dealing with Refunds
Problem: Amazon “misplaces” your inventory, and you lose money on refunds. Solution: Refund Genie automates reimbursement claims for lost or damaged goods. It’s the Robin Hood of your Amazon empire.
10. Launching Products Successfully
Problem: Launches feel like throwing darts blindfolded. Solution: Adtomic optimizes PPC campaigns for product launches. It’s like having a digital marketing wizard on payroll.
11. Beating Hijackers
Problem: Hijackers swoop in and undercut your price on your own listing. Solution: Alerts notify you instantly of listing changes or hijackers. You can swoop in like Batman before they wreak havoc.
12. Understanding Customer Behavior
Problem: You don’t know why customers buy—or don’t. Solution: Review Insights analyzes customer reviews for patterns, preferences, and pain points. Learn their secrets and use them wisely.
13. Managing Product Reviews
Problem: You’re not getting enough reviews, and your competitors are thriving. Solution: Follow-Up automates personalized email requests to boost reviews ethically. It’s like having a polite but persistent butler.
14. Avoiding Amazon Policy Violations
Problem: One policy violation, and your account is toast. Solution: Helium 10 Academy educates you on Amazon’s rules while tools like Alerts protect your listings from risky edits.
15. Getting High Rankings
Problem: You’re stuck on page 7 while competitors bask in page 1 glory. Solution: Scribbles ensures your listing is packed with relevant keywords for SEO success. Consider it your elevator to the top floor.
16. Monitoring Brand Health
Problem: You have no clue how your brand is performing long-term. Solution: The Brand Analytics Dashboard gives you an all-in-one view of traffic, sales, and keyword rankings.
17. Spending Too Much on Ads
Problem: PPC drains your wallet faster than a weekend in Vegas. Solution: Adtomic ensures your ad spend goes to high-converting keywords. It’s your PPC dietitian—cutting the fat, leaving the muscle.
18. Analyzing Financial Performance
Problem: Your books are messier than a toddler’s spaghetti dinner. Solution: Profits Dashboard tracks all costs, revenue, and net margins in one place. It’s like QuickBooks but built for Amazon.
19. Avoiding Black Hat Tactics
Problem: Shady strategies can get you banned. Solution: Helium 10 tools only use Amazon-approved methods, so you can grow your business without risking your account.
20. Creating a Global Strategy
Problem: Expanding internationally feels overwhelming. Solution: Helium 10 supports multi-marketplace analysis. It’s your personal world domination toolkit (legally, of course).
21. Tracking Product Lifecycle
Problem: You don’t know when to pivot or dump a product. Solution: Market Tracker 360 gives you insights into product trends and lifecycle stages, keeping you agile.
22. Avoiding Overhead Burnout
Problem: Too many tools, subscriptions, and spreadsheets. Solution: Helium 10 combines all essential FBA tools in one platform, saving you time and money. It’s your Swiss Army knife.
23. Winning the Buy Box
Problem: You’re losing sales to competitors because you don’t control the Buy Box. Solution: Pricing insights and alerts help you maintain Buy Box dominance. It’s like standing guard over your castle.
24. Managing Multiple Products
Problem: Juggling 15 SKUs feels like herding cats. Solution: Helium 10 organizes product data, trends, and analytics in one dashboard. It’s your digital circus ringmaster.
25. Scaling Your Business
Problem: You’re stuck at “side hustle” level and want to go full-time. Solution: With advanced analytics, PPC tools, and listing optimizers, Helium 10 helps scale your business into an empire. Think of it as your digital co-pilot.
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⏰ Helium 10 Black Friday Promo Discount coupon Key Moments ⏰
00:00 Introduction to Helium 10 Black Friday Deal
00:52 Why Helium 10 is Essential for Amazon Sellers
01:34 Maximizing Your Amazon FBA and KDP Success
02:24 Stealing Competitor Keywords with Helium 10
03:47 Helium 10 Keyword Research Demo
06:15 Advanced Keyword Tracking and Optimization
07:59 Helium 10 Follow-Up and Extension Features
13:04 Exclusive Black Friday Discount Details
15:16 Conclusion and Final Thoughts
🎬 Helium 10 Black Friday Promo code coupon Discount Video Series 🎬
Helium10 Review Demo https://youtu.be/Lk5uDL5qfZk
How To Find Amazon FBA Products Fast Using Helium10 Review https://youtu.be/H-KvS3ovEFM
Amazon KDP Keyword Research ppc advertising https://youtu.be/c1I8dbUnrQ8
How to Get UpTo 5000 Automated Reviews Per Month with Helium10 https://youtu.be/H2Bx2OArZ-c
Helium 10 Promo Code Discount Coupon Deal Review https://youtu.be/j4rknQPzeF4
Helium 10 Black Friday Promo code coupon Discount https://youtu.be/2yclV6NyV4c
HELIUM 10 REVIEW TUTORIAL Demo – Helium10 Bonus Training PLAYLIST
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Helium 10 Black Friday Promo code coupon code discount deal Video Transcription
You’re looking for the helium 10 Black Friday coupon code promo sale deal well I’ve got amazing news for you they Actually have the biggest coupon code Discount that they’ve ever had and they Are also doubling the amount of the Regular exclusive coupon and doubling The time that you get for the coupon This year on Black Friday stick to the End of the video and I’m going to show You how you can maximize the discount For this Black Friday promotional code Coupon so whether you’re able to grab The biggest coupon code deal they’ve Ever had or if you miss it I’m still Going to show you a way to be able to Get a really good long-term discount on Helium 10 with the Black Friday deal
You Don’t Need to be a Caffeinated Squirrel Ninja To Claim These Helium 10 Black Friday Discounts
This is the only helium 10 review and Product dashboard demo tutorial that you Are going to need hi I’m I am Daniel the Passive cash stacker and today I’m going To show you all the reasons why helium 10 is a winning product if you’re doing Anything with Amazon FBA or if you’re Doing anything with Amazon KDP Publishing stick till the end to be able To go ahead and get that coupon so you Can get the massive savings or you can Go down into the description and find The key moment that says helium 10 promo Discount coupon you click that and it’ll Show you exactly how to go ahead and get The savings let’s go ahead and so this
Is for anyone who wants to find winning Amazon FBA products find winning niches For Amazon KDP track competitor niches And products track your organic and paid Keyword product rankings for KDP and Amazon FBA that’s right you can track All of your keywords that you are Ranking for so that you can boost them Hit them with your ads or create create Organic content to be able to drive Traffic to those keywords also you’re Able to save thousands of dollars by Stealing your winning paid keywords from Your competitors so you find out what They are paying for what’s winning and Getting sales for them and you can Target those and know exactly how much It’s going to cost to rank on the first Page in the first spot to be able to get Those sales from your competitors this Is how to steal your competitors Keywords organic and paid with Organic Iic keyword research done the right way So I’m now going to show you something Super sneaky now this here I’m getting Ready to redo one of my original best Sellers that I had on my YouTube ranking Course book and for me I’m going to be Reworking it and then I’m going to start Running the paid ads and targeting on The keywords so right here this is my Main competitor right here and so you See here that he has the sponsored ads And then he has his organic ranking he’s
Ranking number two organic for YouTube Book right now but what we’re going to Do is we’re going to go ahead and get in Here and we’re going to find out exactly Key wordss he is ranking for what he is Using all the little tips and secrets That he is snatching to be able to Achieve this and you can run ads for the Exact same keywords know exactly what You need to bid to be number one so you Can leap frog in front of your Competitors and start yanking those Sales because they say that when you are The first or second result on Amazon You’re probably going to be getting Anywhere from 40 to 60% of the clicks When people are looking for your Specific keyword click into the book Itself and then you’re going to go ahead And scroll to the bottom of the product Description and you will go ahead and See the Asin down here so you’ll see the Asin here for the digital products and You can also use the ISBN if it is a Print so we’ll go ahead and take this Asin and then you can go ahead and go Back to the print book and you can go Ahead and grab the ISBN number so you Can go ahead and grab the ISBN number Right there and those both work for our Secrets so we are going to be going into Helium 10 you can actually sign up and You can get discounted access let’s just Go ahead and we’ll dive into our tools
And the first thing that we’re going to Do is we’re going to go ahead and click On keyword research cerebro this is the Money maker right here this is literally Going to let you snatch all of the money That they have paid for these ads and to Do research on ads to find out what Works we’re going to be able to save That money and know exactly what we need To advertise on or what the target so We’re going to go ahead and put our ISBN And our as for their print and their Digital book and then we’re going to Just go get keywords it’s quick to grab That data and so we’re going to come up Here and that they are actually ranking For 9,14 keywords so they rank for 8,320 keywords organically and then they Rank for 237 78 keywords paid this is a Gold mine now I have the Platinum plan I Do not have the diamonds so it doesn’t Show these so you can actually customize These to remove them and get them out of The way so we can go ahead and remove The keyword sales we can go ahead and Remove the ABA and we can go ahead and Remove the ABA total so we have those Removed and also if there are data sets That you want to go ahead and uh have a Little bit closer you can actually move Them where you want so we have the Search volume monthly search volume I Like to see the competing products right Next to that so you can actually bring
Your competing products right over here And then you can see the CPC bid like What are biding to be able to rank for This particular keyword so you can come And you can actually see the specific Keyword let me go and move my face so we Can see a little bit better here but you Can actually see the specific keyword That they are using what the search Volume is and how many competing Products are out there for this Particular keyword now once we have our List we can actually go up for the Organic as well as the sponsored rank so We can come up here to the filters and Right here where it says match type you Can go ahead and click sponsored and This and apply filters and this is going To go ahead and show you all of the Keywords that they are running and then We can go ahead and search for some Different things that stand out to us You actually sort by the cerebral IQ Score which is going to average out the Search volume and the amount of Competing products the higher the number The better so we can quickly come here And we can go ahead and search by the Search volume if we want so we can Actually find out what the highest Search volume is so we got YouTube Rich Dad poad how to win friend people so They’re actually targeting specific Books for this and that for these
Particular books they’re actually Bidding and they are ranking number one On their sponsored rank for these high Paying books so people are coming out Here here and they’re looking for Rich Dad Poor Dad how to influ uh friend Influence people thinking Grow Rich and They’re actually ranking number one for These and it shows you exactly what you Need to pay to be able to go ahead and Rank for those and so for these Particular keyword terms to rank number One for these 50 or 60 cents and you can Rank number one which is pretty awesome Make sure you click the link Down Below In the description to get the best Pricing for this plan so if we wanted to Go ahead and find ones that had high Search volume but low competing products We can go ahead and sort by the CBO Score remember the higher the better and So we can go ahead and see the high Score here and we can go down and we can See that they are actually targeting Specific books for their target market They’ve got high search volume competing Products almost no other competing Products because they are specifically Targeting the specific books now right We see that they’re also targeting a Very specific keyword here that other Books are also going for so they also Have this in their title YouTube wealth Tactics my journey as a successful
Creator and if you look it’s got 250 Searches but there’s only one competing Product there it allows you to find out Exactly what they are targeting what is Converting for them and it shows you Exactly what you’re going to need to pay To be able to be rank for that 50 cents 68 cents 56 cents so this is a gold mine Now you have the ability to export this Entire list if you wanted to go ahead And Target it in a very general way or If you’re targeting a very specific Keyword phrase then you could also go up To the filters and right here where it Says phrase containing so if my book is About YouTube make sure that it has YouTube in the title so we can go ahead And apply the filters and then we can go Ahead and look and we see here that There are 94 extremely targeted keywords That they are going after 94 keywords That they are going after you can see That they’re ranked for number one or Number two for every single one of these Keywords this is a gold mine so you can Export this list up here on the right Hand corner you can export this list and You can upload it right to Amazon ads And you can run ads on these and it it Tells you specifically what you need Number one or on the first page which is An instant Gold Mine get it in there get It running and start getting your sales And you’re also automatically able to
Send review requests for each sale of Your products that you have listed on Amazon FBA so you no longer have to Automate this in the background have Another program or anything like this if You are selling on Amazon FBA you can Get thousands of reviews automatically As you send requests these are going to Be the tools whenever you log in these Are going to be the tools that we have Now remember stay till the end I will Actually have an exclusive coupon for You so you you can save your plan you’re Getting the Platinum but let’s go ah and Check this out so there are the product Research tab for blackbox now this one Here we already did a whole review video On this on how to find winning products Within 1 minute and this gives you the Ability to be able to find products that Are making 10,000 a month 30,000 a month 50,000 a month with low competition low Reviews and you can instantly get in There and get those FBA products for Yourself and upgrade them or change them A little bit so that you can start Getting a corner of that market where There’s not a lot of competition it Instantly finds those products for you So you can get a few winning products or Hundreds of winning products on your Side for the FBA business now in the Keyword tracker you have the ability to Come in and put your asens to be able to
Find what you are ranking for so it will Actually show you your organic ranking You can see how many spots have’ gone up How many spots have gone down if you’ve Had any that have gone down like this One here’s gone down 29 Points but you Can see here this one’s gone up seven Points six points one point and you can See all of the ones that you are ranking On the first page so that you could Concentrate on those and either send Paid traffic to it or make organic Content like on YouTube or short videos On Tik Tok so that you could go ahead And send traffic and increase those Rankings so that you can get more sales Inside of Amazon so you’re able to go Ahead and put all the keywords that you Want to track for your particular Product and it’ll actually show you all The rankings so you see here all of These are ranking on the first page and I know what to go ahead and concentrate On so it’ll show you how many sales that You’ve gotten for these particular Keywords what you’re ranking for a Sponsored rank if you’re actually paying For that particular keyword and how many Organic rankings you have and where they Are if they’re going up or down it’s Really awesome now with helium 10 you Also have the ability to go ahead and do The followup so with the followup you’re Able to get in there and you every time
That you get a sale you can actually Choose how many days you want to respond So 5 days 6 days seven days eight days Whatever so depending on what kind of Product you have and how uh people use Your product you can choose how many Days you want once the sale is triggered And just as long as it hasn’t been Returned or refund you can actually send Them a request automatically so you can Just automatically get reviews on your Products and you no longer have to go Into the Amazon dashboard and manually Request every single sale just think About it if you’re getting hundreds or Thousands of sales you never have to Worry about asking for reviews again and You get to save all of that time you Also get access to the helium 10 Extension where it allows you to do Product research right inside the Amazon Marketplace and the Walmart marketplace So you can get in there and find Competitors see sales Trends see if Things are actually going to be a good Product for you to promote or for you to Target as a Competitor now with this extension you Can see it will have a breakdown of the Overall page how many products are Ranked on the first page what the Average search volume for your keyword Is you’re able to analyze the products Find the top ke load all the asens if
You want to do any other kind of Research with it now on top of each Listing you will see Where the product is coming from what Country so right here this is coming From China it will show you what the Rankings are so in pet supplies it’s Ranked number 32 in dog beds it’s ranked Number one it’ll show you how many Variations this product has how many Sellers are selling it on Amazon FBA so What your competition is so like this One here has four competitors this one Here has two competitors so this one Might be a better one to get into and Then you can go ahead and click the 30-day Revenue STS and it will go ahead And show you how much it’s sold so this One here hasn’t sold anything but right Here this one here is sold $887,000 in the last 30 days and they’ve Sold 5,000 units so you can see which One is a winning product you can very Easily get an access of what the market Is looking what the rankings are looking Like and what your competition is Looking like all built in right into the Dashboard with helium 10 as well it Gives you the ability to track all your Keywords it gives you the automatic Followup it lets you use all of the Features now like I said I do have an Exclusive discount for you so if you Actually come to the link and right here
You can see the regular pricing on that Is $99 but you will be able to get a Discount but when you click the Black Friday link down below you’re going to Be brought to this page here now if you Come and it’s not Black Friday you’re Still going to be able to get a massive Really good discount and you’re it’s Going to be for half of the year but if You come during the Black Friday special You’re going to be able to go ahead and Get it for double the percent off and For double the time so right here we Have the regular exclusive discount here For you but if you come starting Tomorrow right now if you’re watching The video it’s probably already tomorrow But if you come starting tomorrow you’re Going to get double that discount locked In for double that time so it is going To be a double discount for so make sure You click the link below in the Description to be able to claim this Discount and be able to take advantage Of all the tools and help that helium 10 Provides they also have bonus training Courses inside when you’re taking Advantage of this Black Friday deal so Not only do you get all the tools you Get all the automations and you get Bonus courses so that you are not left Behind and you know exactly what you Need to do to be successful with helium 10 and their Black Friday discount once
The discount is live go ahead and scroll Down on the page this is where the Discount is going to populate with the Double percentage and double time make Sure you claim this discount sign up Today don’t let the Black Friday deal Pass you by because it only comes around Once a year it’s time to get saving on Helium 10 Black Friday like I said the Best place to start is the Platinum plan Because it gives you the tracking gives You the ability to use all of the Features and you can upgrade in the Future if you need more when you start Selling more either books on Amazon KDP Or selling on Amazon FBA so hopefully This has been helpful if it has Smack That thumbs up and leave a comment down Below helpful or it helped you making That decision and if you have any Questions please don’t hesitate to let Me know here on the passive cash stacker Thanks for watching this helium and Review thanks for watching
Helium 10 Black Friday Promo code coupon code discount deal Info Links
Business Contact/Bonuses: thegreencabby@gmail.com
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When you click on any of the links provided above I may receive a small commission for recommending the item on the other end of the link. All products that I recommend, I do so on my own behalf without prompting from any manufacturer, company or retailer. If I recommend a product it is because I believe in what that product can do or be. All videos and content where recommendations are posted are for educational purposes only. You must do your due diligence and research when investing in a product for yourself or spending any type of capital.