Automated Midjourney Coloring Books – UPDATES Midjourney Coloring Page Prompt Creator

Automated Midjourney Coloring Books - UPDATES Midjourney Coloring Page Prompt Creator

Automated Midjourney Coloring Books – UPDATES Midjourney Coloring Page Prompt Creator

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Looking to add creativity to your daily routine? Welcome to this tutorial on creating Automated Midjourney Coloring Books! Using the new Chrome extension “Midjourney Coloring Page Prompt Creator,” you can now transform ordinary images into interactive coloring pages. Perfect for artists, hobbyists, or anyone looking to unwind with some creative fun.

Step 1: Install the extension from the Chrome Web Store.
Step 2: Open your favorite image or photo.
Step 3: Click the ‘Midjourney’ icon in your browser, then choose from an array of filters and styles.
Step 4: Customize your coloring page with lines, textures, and shades to match your vision.
Step 5: Save or print your creation. Share it digitally or enjoy coloring it by hand.

Whether you’re a seasoned artist or just starting, the Midjourney Coloring Page Prompt Creator extension simplifies the process. You can create intricate designs or simple sketches with ease, exploring your creativity at your pace. Join us on this colorful midjourney and take your artistic expressions to the next level. Subscribe and like for more content!

When you click on any of the links provided above I may receive a small commission for recommending the item on the other end of the link. All products that I recommend, I do so on my own behalf without prompting from any manufacturer, company or retailer. If I recommend a product it is because I believe in what that product can do or be. All videos and content where recommendations are posted are for educational purposes only. You must do your due diligence and research when investing in a product for yourself or spending any type of capital.

Hi this is Daniel the passive cash Stacker and today we're going to be Going through my mid-journey coloring Book prompt extension and I'm very Excited to say that we are going to be Having a overlay for mid-journey Discord So that we're able to automatically Upscale and download and we're going to Be building in automations where we can Put in the prompt create all the prompts Have it automatically create all the Pictures upscale them and download them That is coming soon so uh let's go ahead And jump in and look at it so right now We have The extension in the extension bar are We have the extension in the extension Bar all right so we can go ahead and Make our coloring book prompt however we Want it and we have tons and tons of Variables and we also just add a bunch Of action variables so we can have them Flying a plane flying a helicopter Driving a car driving a truck riding a Roller coaster snowboarding they can be Playing hockey they can be a policeman An astronaut a firefighter Lumberjack Playing instruments all kinds of stuff So we actually have the buttons to be Able to have all the breeds or all the Backgrounds or all the shading or all The actions and so like right here it Generated third prompts for all the Different actions that they can be doing

But we also have here we have the open In a tab button where it creates its own Options window tab where you can do it Inside a browser window so you don't Lose anything that you're working on and You can actually build this out any kind Of background any kind of action all of That kind of stuff and like I said we Are going going to be having an overlay Inside of Discord if we want to do it Manually because like I said we have Automations coming but if we want to do It manually we can create it with a Prompt we can click the button and it Will upscale and download all of the Pictures or we can upscale and download Number one up skate and download number Two Etc or we can grab the image link so If we're going through Discord and we See a picture that we like we can Actually get that image link for the one That's upscaled so that we can go ahead And use that in one of our prompts so That we can have something that's Similar or if we're trying to create Pictures or characters that are the same Then we can grab that image prompt as The marker of what we want it to look Like and then we can add different Variables to the prompts also if we're Going through Discord and we see an Image that we like that we did not Create we're able to download the image By itself or we're able to copy the

Prompt but there's more coming like I Said we're going to be working on the Automations which is going to be like This so we have the automation coming in Where we are going to be able to Automate the prompts automate the Download and have everything done Automatically after you generate your Prom So the overlay is going to go ahead and Be added on the 20th of this month which Is in four days so this is going to be Inside of Discord for us so that we can Go ahead and upscale and download all of These and then the automation is going To be the next Milestone that we're Working on so that we'll be able to get Into our extension we will go ahead and Create our 25 different props and then We're going to have a little run button Here and it's going to run all of those 25 different prompts and make those Pictures 25 times four and then it's Going to upscale and download all of Those for us so literally we can create Everything we need for a coloring book In like 20 or 30 seconds and it's going To be ready for us to go ahead and put Inside our coloring book like I showed In the training but phenomenal Mind-blowing I'm just super excited I've Already put out three coloring books This week and this is going to make it So much faster because not only can we

Skip a lot of steps with being able to Upscale and download all of them super Quickly but as soon as we add crazy just To let you know if you want to go ahead And get access to this right now you can Join our solve all problem problems Bundle where we have access to all of Our trainings our courses our apps and Our programs as well as go high level You'll have access to all of that but This is inside of our solve all problems Bundle now remember I've got two spots Left for the 50 discount for the yearly So if you contact me in Messenger right Now on Facebook Messenger I've got two Spots left so the first two people that Grab that will get the 50 off on the Yearly if not it's running at 98 a month But we have over 600 worth of programs In here plus you have all of my thousand Dollar and five hundred dollar courses All of my trainings all of my bonus Trainings you get all that as well but I'm also going to be offering three Lifetime reseller accounts that will Have a thousand accounts each so if you Want to take advantage of that I've got A a crazy deal right now but I'll have Three lifetime reseller accounts where Each reseller account will have a Thousand accounts and it will come with All of the updates that we are adding in Here and it's after we put in the Automations we're going to go ahead and

Add the login screen and have the Endpoint added into the dashboard so That you'll be able to create accounts Manually or you'll be able to create Accounts through zapier automation so Like I said go ahead and hit me in Messenger I'll have a link below and you Can go ahead and get either one of those Three lifetime reseller accounts or you Can get one of the two yearly discounts Right now check the link below it's Going to be super exciting to be able to Quickly and easily create your coloring Books and now after we have the overlay You're going to be able to speed up the Process and once we have the automation 20 or 30 seconds to create everything You need for your coloring book and you Can start churning these out 20 30 40 Books a day so thank you so much for Watching I'll talk to you soon

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About the Author: masterpassive