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This is the KDP AI cracked review and Bonus now inside here I'm going to go Ahead and walk you through the sales Page I'm going to go ahead and show you The two bonuses that I'll be offering Depending on what you get we'll also Take a behindth scenes look at the Actual course that you're going to get We'll show you the otos and the upsales And we're also going to give you our Honest opinion on what we think I've Gone through this entire course as you Probably know we do lot of Self-publishing we've got a couple of Courses on self-publishing ourselves so I'm going to go ahead and dive in and Show you exactly what you get here Inside of KDP AI crack now let's go Ahead and look at the bonuses that You'll get if you decide to buy through Me there's going to be two bonus options Here so if you decide to purchase Through me you'll be able to get access To my course AI instant book publishing Now this is a course that I sell for $99 And you will be able to get the upgrade In inside that course as well included And this is if you buy the front end Through me so if you just buy the front End that's all you want to get you're Going to get my AI instant book Publishing course which shows you how to Make 10 chapter books in 2 minutes also How to make things a lot closer to the
Prompts that you want to go ahead and Create those books as well as to be able To put in your prompt and let it Continue while it creates that book and You have to do no intervention or Nothing else to be able to do that as Opposed to in the course how we teach You going step by step we're going to Show you EX exactly how to do your Research and get your book written Quickly and easily uh in 2 minutes Without having to do anything else and If you want to go ahead and pick up my Bonuses make sure you click the link Below the first link below in this video Will give you the ability to go ahead And grab my first front-end bonus and Then if you either pick up Otto number Three KDP AI Limitless traffic Yearly or if you skip everything and Pick up o T5 KDP AI Fastpass VIP bundle You will be able to get my road to Bestseller course 199 course absolutely Free