Murder AI WROTE 2 Books in 10 Minutes IS IT REALLY POSSIBLE? Publish Mystery Novels Review and Bonus

Murder AI WROTE 2 Books in 10 Minutes IS IT REALLY POSSIBLE? Publish Mystery Novels Review and Bonus

Murder AI WROTE 2 Books in 10 Minutes IS IT REALLY POSSIBLE? Publish Mystery Novels Review and Bonus ◀◀◀ GET AI PROMPTS FOR Murder AI Wrote 2 MYSTERY BOOKS NOW -affiliate- ◀◀◀ JOIN MY WEEKLY ACCOUNTABILITY ACTIONTAKERS SQUAD (AAS) (Where We Create a Follow Along Money Making Asset Each Week) + Get All My Other Courses, Productivity Extensions & Trainings On PUBLISHING, AFFILIATE MARKETING & YOUTUBE RANKING!

Publish Mystery Novels in 10 Minutes – Books Made with Murder AI WROTE 2 Review and Bonus

Auto-Write Mystery Books with AI: Murder AI Wrote 2 Review and Bonuses

In this video, discover how ‘Murder AI Wrote 2’ can auto-generate mystery short stories, novelettes, and novels, complete with cover and chapter art, in just 5 to 10 minutes. The review details how the package offers 282 prompts for ChatGPT and Claude AI, customizable book creation options, and additional bonuses for early bird buyers. See how the AI handles everything from plot outlines to character creation, eliminating writer’s block and fostering creativity effortlessly. Learn about the front-end options, upsells, and how this tool can help you publish books quickly on platforms like Amazon.

Unlock the secret to writing mystery books in just 10 minutes with ‘Murder AI Wrote 2’! This incredible AI-powered tool lets you effortlessly create up to 20 chapters for your mystery novel, complete with unique cover art and illustrations for each chapter. By simply following seven easy steps, you’ll go from an idea to a full-fledged mystery story without the hassle of brainstorming plots or designing visuals. With over 282 pre-made prompts for ChatGPT and Claude AI, this tool ensures that your creativity flows seamlessly, allowing you to publish your novels faster than ever.

In this video, I’ll show you how ‘Murder AI Wrote 2’ does all the heavy lifting for you—no more writer’s block or spending hours writing. Just hit a few buttons, and your book is ready for the world! Perfect for self-publishers looking to maximize their productivity, I’ll also walk through the different bonuses and upsells available for early bird buyers. Whether you’re writing for fun or publishing on Amazon, this AI tool is a game-changer for any aspiring mystery writer!

Front end $17

​A collection of 282 ChatGPT or prompts to write outlines for stories in the historical mystery, cozy mystery, private investigator, Scandinavian noir, serial killer, whodunnit and bounty hunter subgenres, plus instructions on how to expand those outlines to scene-by-scene chapter breakdowns for longer stories and novels. Creating relevant images for the stories is also explained.
Inline Bump upsell $9

The Author’s Keyword Power Pack – this is a must-have resource for authors looking to dominate their niche. Unlock deeper insights with this comprehensive Amazon keywords, categories and competition analysis spreadsheet​​

OTO1 $27

A collection of 562 ChatGPT or prompts to write outlines for stories in the same subgenres.​

OTO2 $27

A collection of 307 ChatGPT or ​prompts to write outlines for mystery stories in the realms of science fiction, magic and the paranormal.

🎬 Murder AI Wrote 2 Video Series 🎬
Murder AI Wrote 2 Review Bonus of 282 Mystery Book Prompts
Murder AI WROTE 2 Books in 10 Minutes
#MurderAIWrote2 #mysterybookprompts #bookprompts #aibooks

⏰ Murder AI Wrote 2 CUSTOM GPT Key Moments ⏰
00:00 Introduction to Auto-Writing Mystery Books
00:44 Overview of Murder AI Wrote 2
01:20 Early Bird Launch Details
01:57 Creating Your Own Mystery Book
03:30 Children’s Book Auto Writer
04:43 Additional Prompts and Upsells
07:24 Live Demo: Creating a Book
11:49 Publishing and Final Thoughts

#MurderAIWrote2 #mysterybookprompts #bookprompts #aibooks

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When you click on any of the links provided above I may receive a small commission for recommending the item on the other end of the link. All products that I recommend, I do so on my own behalf without prompting from any manufacturer, company or retailer. If I recommend a product it is because I believe in what that product can do or be. All videos and content where recommendations are posted are for educational purposes only. You must do your due diligence and research

How would you like to have mystery short Stories mystery novelettes and mystery Novels Auto written for you in 5 to 10 Minutes and also have all of the cover Art and all of the chapter art Autocreated for you as well as you are Doing this process now I want you to go Ahead and take a look at murder AI wrote 2 this is a review and bonus for this so If you decide to pick this up I'm going To show you exactly how you can go ahead And auto write books yourself and it's Because I actually created something Specifically for you with this product So murder AI wrote to is 282 prompts for Chat GPT and Claude and they create the Plot outlines they create the characters And they have so many different Variations of different Mysteries you Can create and then you can use AI to go Ahead and tweak it a little bit more so Uh this here I actually made a review Video earlier this week if you want to Go ahead and see the full review video You can go ahead and check the end card Or I might also have a card up here Somewhere but basically it's not a big Sales page right now it is on the early Bird uh sale price of $17 uh this is the early bird launch Price as soon as the launch is over in The next next couple of days the price Is going up and so it just basically Says who he is which is Kevin Barry he's

Uh created a couple products previously Uh sold a couple hundred items and Basically it tells you what it's going To do it's going to Save hours of hard Work it's going to eliminate writer's Block and you can consistently be Creative but this is what I want to tell You while I was creating this solution For you guys I actually wrote two Mystery books myself and I'm actually Going to go ahead and write a mystery Book right now and show you exactly how Easy it is and this is what you get as The bonus if you purchase through my Affiliate link down below yes I do get a Commission but you're going to get some Amazing value from this product and for My bonus all right so uh like I said the Front end $17 you're going to go ahead And Get 282 prompts now with these 282 prompts You get A custom book writer that has the 282 Prompts Incorporated so it is going to Go ahead and generate a book for you It's going to have scenarios that you Can choose from you can go ahead and Select what kind of characters you want What time period all of that and it's Auto going to create it you're going to Verify each chapter to make sure that You like it and then after that it's Going to autocreate your pictures for

You now I'm going to show you a couple More things first and then we'll go Ahead and make a book together quick and Easy I was blown away how highly Detailed and intriguing the books that I Created were and it's super simple to Have it autocreated with all of this Creativity with the prompts built in it Gives you the ability to not have Writers block and makes it very easy for You to take action so let's go ahead and Look at the second bonus for the front End this is going to be an auto book Writer for children's stories all you Have to do is give it the who what when Why and how and it will autocreate a Children's book for you now just to let You know my son has autism he's high High functioning but yesterday he Actually wrote a children's book that Was really really exciting using this Auto book writer right here and what It's going to do is it's going to Auto Write a children's story for you uh in The fourth to sixth grade realm with That vocabulary it's going to be funny It's going to be witty and at the end of The book it's also going to have a moral To the story as well as 10 tips for Success based on the content inside the Story so it's going to weave those into The story and then go ahead and give you Those top 10 success principles at the End so that not only can you have a good

Story for the kids but you can also Teach them on how to learn grow and be Successful so you're going to get that With the front end as well if you just Purchased the front end you're going to Go ahead and get this mystery book Writer with the 282 prompts built in as Well as the children's book writer now In the funnel there is a bump sale at The beginning where you can go ahead and Get a keyword research pack for mystery Books but for ot1 it's $27 for the early Bird launch price and that gives you 562 additional Prompts that you can use with chat GPT And Claude Ai and if you decide to Purchase this Oto upsale I also created Another mystery book writer and this one Here has the 562 additional plots and characters Built in so if you pick up oto1 and get The additional 562 prompts uh then you're going to go Ahead and get this second book Writer which is going to make you Completely different Books each one is going to make chapters Between 2500 and 3,000 words and then Remember at the end for every chapter And for the cover it's also going to Make you an image so you have all the Images for every single chapter as well As the entire book written for you Whether you want a short story a novelet

Or a full-fledged 20 chapter novel so You're going to go ahead head and get This one here if you pick up Oto1 now oto2 is $27 for the early bird Launch price and that gives you a Collection of 307 chat GPT and Claude AI prompts but What this is actually mystery books Written in science fiction magic and Paranormal so that gives you a complete Set of different genres so you will be Able to get Those prompts that you can use yourself But if you pick up Otto you will get my Mystery writer for science fiction magic And paranormal so it has those 307 different prompts in there and once Again it's going to go ahead and create Your book for you with chapters between 2500 and 3,000 words it's going to go Ahead and build out your characters it's Going to either create a short story a Novet or a novel depending on what you Decide and it's also going to create Images at the end spectacular I know Because you no longer have to work hard For it you don't have to try to get up And take action because it's basically Going to take action for you you just Got to make a few selections as you go Along it's going to ask you what you Want you just say this one you select The option you want and it's going to Write the story for

You let's dive into this so we can go Ahead and see a book creat created right Before our eyes so let's go ahead and go Into the J custom Rider GPT this is the 14 the front end that has the 282 Prompts inside so all we do is we click What kind of book do we want and so it's Going to give us the different options That are inside of the prompts so we Have historical mysteries we have cozy Mysteries private investigator Scandinavian War who D itss serial Killers and bounty hunters so what we're Going to do is we're going to go ahead And select cozy Mysteries actually let's Go ahead and select history Mysteries All right so we're just going to go Ahead and put what kind we want and like I said it's going to be super easy we Just go ahead and put in a couple of Options that we want to Do and it's going to give us all the Different options we can uh choose from And so let's go ahead and put this one Here we'll go ahead and select this item Right here okay and so we're going to Tell it what we want to create for our Uh back end it's going to go ahead and Take the basic plot idea it's going to Give the themes the main characters it's Going to go ahead and give us all of the Plot points and twists inside okay and So right now we're just going to go Ahead and create a short story but like

I said you can also create novelettes or Even create books up to 20 chapters Complete novels all right so what we're Going to do says uh would you like to Change any aspects so if we if we want To change something in here here we just Tell it what we want to change uh if not Then we are good so we're going to say Chapter outline and right here you see That uh we can get more character Details uh this right here or we can say Chapter outline okay so it's going to go Ahead and give us a title now we can Also have it create more titles for us If we want we're going to have the Chapter outlines for all of the Different chapters that we want and so Looks like this one here is going to be A all right so it has the outlines of The 14 chapters right here and it says Right here it just walks you through it What do you want to do do you need to Change anything or do you want to start With chapter one just click start with Chapter one and now it's going to go Ahead and write that Chap a boot striking out from beneath The Beast Tommy's breath caught in his Throat as his eyes followed the boot to The body of Charles Fairchild all right so all of our uh Talking inside the scenes we have our Characters built out All right so it's writing our chapter

And remember our chapters are going to Go ahead and be 2500 to 3,000 words and Then after that what we're going To we're going to go ahead and get Our so we can get everything together We and what it does in the background is It's taking the context from the entire Chapter and it's going to go ahead and Create an image for us uh that is like The content and it it creates it so that You can have a full page image uh ready For you to go ahead and put inside your Thing and so what's great is we can just Go ahead and copy the entire chapter Also have our chapter image and then We're going to say right here start Chapter 2 and so it's going to go ahead And write chapter two continuing On and so like I said you can go ahead And create your book within 5 to 10 Minutes and this is going to be a Mystery book and every single one is Going to be unique because you select The few things that you want to do and It will write the entire book for you Which is amazing so you no longer have To stress about how do I use these Prompts what do I do what do I need to Do to make it a book I've completed this For you so that you're able to go ahead And do that so right here we're going to Say all right so we have the image for The next chapter and then so on we Say chapter

3 so super easy and this is all you do You only enter a few things you're going To get a whole book ready completed for You where you can just copy it paste it Into a word dog or use of our favorite Apps that we use uh to go ahead and have Your cover outline all set up and ready Uh but basically you just copy it and You're ready to publish so in about 5 to 10 minutes you can publish and I don't Know if you remember but you can go Ahead and publish three books on Amazon Every single day so you can go go ahead And pop out three books in 30 minutes And you can start that passive income Snowball rolling and getting bger now Just to let you know if you are part of Our accountability action taker Squad You will actually get access to all of These GPT writers uh but if not you can Go ahead and Pick murder AI wrote to and remember you Will go ahead and get The mystery book writer and the Children's book writer uh with the front End so you're going to actually get two Book writers with the front end if you Do oto1 you're going to go ahead and get The book writer for Mysteries that has 562 Additional and if you get Oto uh o oto2 You will go ahead and get the mystery Writer for science fiction magic and Paranormal and that has

Three prompts built in to be able to Make thank you so much for checking out My 282 prompts for chat GPT and Claude AI murder AI wrote to review and bonus I Definitely appreciate your support if You decide you want to go ahead and pick Up my bonuses please click my link down Below this description go ahead and pick Those up you will be automatically Delivered your bonus when you purchase The front end and if you have any Questions please don't hesitate to leave A comment down below and thank you so Much for joining us here on the passive Cash Stacker

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About the Author: masterpassive