Launch Your Own AI Clipping SAS Business with Rocket Clips

This video introduces RocketClips AI, a subscription-as-a-service (SAAS) platform that allows users to start their own AI clipping business by creating shorts and reels from long-form content. For a one-time fee of $364 (with a $50 discount), users can obtain 100 accounts to resell for recurring monthly income. The software allows for white-label customization, automatic account creation, and features like auto-reframing, B-roll addition, and progress bars. The bundle offer includes 25 or 100 pro accounts and comes with a YouTube ranking course valued at $199. A detailed walkthrough of the RocketClips AI dashboard demonstrates the simple process of creating, editing, and exporting clips using the platform’s various tools and settings.

We dive into RocketClips AI, a cutting-edge SAAS platform designed for anyone looking to launch their own AI clipping business. This powerful tool allows users to create shorts and reels from long-form content, offering the perfect opportunity to capitalize on the growing demand for short-form video. With the RocketClips AI Mega Bundle, you can white-label the platform and manage up to 100 resalable accounts, all for a one-time fee of $364 (after applying the $50 discount). The platform includes automated account creation, clip editing features like auto-reframing, B-roll addition, progress bars, and much more. Plus, this offer includes a valuable YouTube ranking course to boost your online presence.

We provide a full walkthrough of RocketClips AI, showcasing its intuitive dashboard and easy-to-use tools for creating, editing, and exporting video clips. This platform is perfect for entrepreneurs and content creators looking to generate recurring monthly income by reselling video creation services. From white-label customization options to advanced editing features, RocketClips AI is packed with everything you need to start a profitable AI clipping business. Stay tuned as we explore all the tools and settings, including how to manage accounts, create seamless clips, and take advantage of the additional upsell offers. ◀◀◀ JOIN MY WEEKLY ACCOUNTABILITY ACTIONTAKERS SQUAD (AAS) (Where We Create a Follow Along Money Making Asset Each Week) + Get All My Other Courses, Productivity Extensions & Trainings On PUBLISHING, AFFILIATE MARKETING & YOUTUBE RANKING!

00:00 Introduction to AI Clipping Business Opportunity
00:29 Exclusive Discount Offer
01:19 White Label Customization
03:21 Rocket Clips Dashboard Overview
04:54 Creating and Managing User Accounts
06:47 Clip Creation and Editing Features
15:53 Exporting and Finalizing Clips
20:42 Additional Features and Upsell Offers


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AI shorts clipping companies are making Money hand over fist recurring money Every single month for their subscribers With just a basic service so all of These companies are making tons and tons Of money and now you have the Opportunity to be able to create your Own SAS company for AI shorts real Clipping and you only have to pay a Onetime fee What if I told you that with an Exclusive discount for $364 you could have A1 AI clipping Accounts that you could sell to other People for every single month to get a Recurring income coming in for Yourself $364 to be able to have lifetime income For something that people need when they Are making long form content and they Need to chop it up into smaller pieces So that they can go ahead and get the Increased reach that shorts and reals Get for content to be able to get them To be on other social media platforms And get more traction more sales and More leads so you have the ability to be That company and the thing that I love About this is for this onetime Investment you get the $50 discount to Get it at 364 you can wh label it so you Can call this software anything that you Want you can host it yourself and you Have the ability to automatically create

Your accounts you put in their email Address and you select whether you want Them to have a basic or a pro account And I’m going to go ahead and dive in And show you exactly what this looks Like right now but think about it like This being able to start your own SAS AI Clipping business for a one-time payment And be able to keep all the monthly fees You charge your new clients forever one 100% in your pocket if you decide to Pick up rocket Clips through my link Down below which is an affiliate link if You decide to get the bundle offer which Gives you everything that rocket Clips Has to offer as well as the white label And 100 accounts for pro you will be Able to get my tube growth YouTube Research ranking course this is my Course that goes for $1.99 every single Day you’ll be able to get all of the Steps that I do to be able to rank Onsite and offsite with my YouTube Videos and everything that I post and Part of this strategy is being able to Have your shorts content to back up your Long form content as well so if you pick Up the bundle through me you will not Only get the YouTube off-site ranking Checklist that I use on every single Video or blog post that I post but You’ll also get access to my YouTube Ranking course as well it’s chalk full Of great insights and what I have

Amassed over the years on how to be able To rank YouTube videos every single time That I post content and once you Purchase that will be automatically Delivered to you in your jvzoo account Where your purchases are held you’ll Have a little button where you can Access that bonus if you bought the Bundle now here is the dashboard inside Of Rocket Clips AI now this is the pro White label bundle Edition so you can Either get the bundle which has 25 Accounts or you can do the quick upgrade For $117 more to get 75 additional Accounts and like I said you have the Ability to wh label this or to just go Ahead and use the platform and sell the Monthly units so if you come over here You will see that we have the white Label option and we also have the option To go ahead and add our team so we go Here to the white label you can go ahead And set up your own custom domain for This so what you do is whenever you buy A domain name you will go ahead and put The name of the brand you’ll put your Domain name what it is you’ll put the Support URL and then the demo video URL So you can go ahead and create a demo Video Yourself you put your favicon which is The small thing at the top right here You see the little symbol here you go Ahead and put your little fabon in there

As well as the logo that you want to use So you see right here this is their logo And if you put all this in here and you Save it and you just direct it at this Website right here you now have your White label domain where you are able to Go ahead and Send all of your potential buyers to That website to go ahead and sign up now You can go ahead and create your users Here you have your email so you can set Up a custom SM TP now you see here I Don’t have it set up so it’s got the 404 But we can also go here and we can set Up our users and all you do you see I Went ahead and set up an account here You can go ahead and edit it you can Change the password you can set it as a Pro Plan user or you can set it as a Regular User so right here we have the regular User just like that you make them a pro You can add the user and you just put Their name their email address and the Password that you want and they are now A paying client if they stop paying then You just go ahead and turn off their Account access so you can have them as a Regular user if they start paying you Monthly you can make them a pro user and That gives you the ability to be able to Make your recurring income every single Month and you have the ability to go Ahead and create a 100 additional

Accounts on top of the account that you Have so basically you get 101 account Accounts you have your own account plus 100 additional ones to be able to sell For that one time fee and you saw all The fees that these clipping services Are using now let me let you know Something the only things that this does Not have that other services do uh is it Doesn’t currently do the automated uh Emojis and they’re thinking about seeing If they can go ahead and uh update that And get AI emojis but they do not have Ai emojis and they do not have autop Posting to other platforms so once you Create your clip you’re able to just Download it and then upload it to any Other platform that you want so whether You’re putting it on Facebook on Instagram on Tik Tok or on YouTube you Download it upload it to any platform You want and you are ready to go now Inside the dashboard it is super simple And easy to use if you want to create Clips you go here and create clips and I’m going to do a demo of that in a Second so that you can go ahead and see That and you’ll see how many campaigns That you’ve done so right here three Campaigns this is for your user account Three campaigns you’ll see how many Clips have been created with those Campaigns you’ll see if you used any Media assets any AI images created and

Then your subusers so this is your Additional account so if you get the Bundle or the bundle with the 100 Accounts as well that’s called the mega Bundle then you will see every single User you sign up so you sign up 25 it’s Going to have 25 users here and as you Saw inside the dashboard you’ll be able To see each user whether they are a Normal user commercial or if they are a Pro user and to be able to take away Access you can just toggle in between Those two so if they stop paying you Every month you can make them a free Commercial user or you can delete them All together but that’s how quick and Easy it is to be able to go ahead and Set up a SAS business where people pay You every single month where you’re Offering a service And you could offer a service for four Bucks a month five bucks a month 10 Bucks a month you know you times that by A 100 that is a nice little paycheck in Your pocket and you can also add that Into some sort of bundle that you’re Offering or some sort of service that You’re offering clients so that is a Really great investment price for a One-time fee to be able to start your Own SAS AI clipping business now this Gives you the ability to be able to have Lifetime access to instant clipping of Your long form videos so that you can

Post them on YouTube Tik Tok Instagram And Facebook where you can make your Shorts and reals with just uploading a Video or importing a video from multiple Different platforms let’s go ahead and Jump in now the good thing about this is It will auto reframe for you uh but you Also have the ability to go ahead and Reframe any way you like as well so I’ll Go ahead and jump into that in the back End and you can go ahead and change Exactly how you want in 32 different Languages it’ll go ahead and pull it out You have the ability to go ahead and put Some b-roll in there if you want as well And it has the progress bar I really Like the progress bar you can change the Color you can change the width the Position the top the bottom or going all The way around the video which is pretty Interesting the more things that you Have to be able to keep people’s Attention on the video the better Because you’re going to get longer watch Time you’re going to get longer Retention which is going to help you With your rankings so I really enjoy There the Simplicity of it it shows you That you’re able to do multiple Different styles you can do the vertical Which is going to be for the Shorts you can do the normal horizontal Videos and still have your captions on The bottom and you can also do Square

Videos which a lot of platforms also Enjoy Square videos as well so you can Have your captions and you can have your Audiograms and all that kind of stuff Also and so you’ll see here that it’s Got the AI video context it’s got the AI Generated Clips it’s got the AI single Face dual face and letter box layouts Letter box is the whole entire video Right in the center it’s got the Virality score it has magic Zoom for you And it has b rolls now if you want to Add team members you can go ahead and Add team members to access your account But also we can go ahead and add Subusers as well so if you have the Bundle account you can either create 25 Additional accounts or 100 accounts Depending on which offer you chose but Let’s go ahead and create a clip really Quick and like I said said currently uh They’re trying to work with the YouTube Update that just came out that is Messing with the quality of the videos So you can use YouTube videos right now Or Vimeo videos but uh you’re going to Get better results at the moment if you Go ahead and grab your raw video clip That you just uploaded to YouTube or any Other platform so we’re going to go Ahead And put our newest clip here so we did a Review video so we’re going to go ahe And drop that in and you’ll see that it

Has your clip you can go ahead and do Auto selecting of the languages so I’m In the United States English and then we Have our title and then we can go ahead And select the captions that we like so You can come through here and you can Actually see visually what those Captions are going to look like now if You have the pro upgrade or the bundle Upgrade then you’re going to go ahead And get anything that says Pro on it as Well so you’ll be able to go ahead and Have additional options if you have the Pro or the Bundle all right so for right now I’m Going to go ahead and select these right Here and now if you wanted to actually Just put the captions on the video Itself without making any Clips you Could say only add captions without Clipping and we could go ahead and add Captions to the video itself also when You do the upgrade you also have the Ability to remove filler words and take Out parts that are silences if you don’t Want to have a lot of silences in your Video if you take pauses and stuff like That you can also select different parts If you only want to clip a video but you Don’t want to include like the last 15 20 seconds because that’s your outro Stuff like that you can actually limit It to when you want to go ahead and take Out

Your selection now if you want to just Do the whole video and pull from the Whole video to do your AI clip you can Do that and that’s all you have to do And then all you do is Click get Clips In one click now with this it’ll take Anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes depending On uh how long your video is now if you Have the pro upgrade or the bundle You’re actually going to be on a faster Server and your videos are actually Going to be rendered out faster if you Just take the front end then it’s going To take a little bit less now like I Said it’s always going to say 20 minutes But depending on how long it is it it Could be anywhere from 10 15 to 20 Minutes to be able to go ahead and do it You see here it’s actually moving quite Quickly and it’s going to upload the Video transcribe it summarize it it’s Going to detect the scenes and then it’s Going to go ahead and track your faces And cut up your images so once this is Done we’ll go ahead and come back and I’ll show you what we have surprisingly That only took one or two minutes but What I like to do is whenever I am Creating my Clips no matter what Platform it’s on I always like to walk Walk away and do the other things that I Need to be able to create my rankings so If I’m creating my Clips I’m out either Creating a thumbnail for my main video

Or doing some backlinks for my content Or getting my blog post ready so I never Waste that time while I’m waiting I’ll Just go ahead and set this off on Another Tab and I’ll go ahead and do What else I need to be able to rank my Content so that I can go ahead and get My views my likes my leads and of course My conversions or my sales so let’s go Ahead and dive in so right here you’ll See that it does create a title for you Based on the content and so what I will Usually do is I will do a variation of This I’ll have this as the beginning of My title and then whatever I am Reviewing or anything like that I’ll Have that as the end of the title so That I can try to rank for my main Keyword as well as having the attention Grabber title in the beginning also it’s Going to go ahead and tell you what it Emphasizes on what the score is based on 100 for uh the possibility of virality And then it has the information of what Is said inside of the clip now you’ll See that these are Resolution uh previews so when you play Them they’re going to be a little bit Blurry uh because they do not have the High resolution until you render out and Export them after doing any kind of Editing or like that so now you can Actually take this clip as it is And so you’ll see that this one here is

Split in the total this one here has the Letter box where it’s in the center and Then the image is blurred out in the Background you’ll see that this one here Is split as well you’ll have the ability To go ahead and do that I took my video It gave me five clips for my video and Then we can go in and see if we like it And if we do we can go ahead and edit Let’s go ahead and play really quick now You see here how it went ahead and Changed the uh version of how it Actually shows it it cuts it off with The speaker in the center and so this is Called the solo and so you can go ahead And take this and you see here how the Captions or the subtitles are down here You actually have the ability to move Them exactly where you want them in the Editing process if you don’t like it Like this so what we can do we can go Ahead and look at it full screen if we Want or we can go edit now if we want to Export it say we love this and and we Love how it is we could just go ahead And Export it right away so we can put It on our social media accounts but Right here we can go edit and we can go And quickly edit it to change what we Want now we have several options here on The left we’ve got our captions where We’re able to go ahead and change what Is said we can go ahead and add sections Of the video if we want we have our

Orientation which shows us what type of Video we’re creating of course since We’re doing shorts we want to do Portrait but you can also do landscape And square you have your design now this Is where you can actually change your Caption Subtitles you can turn them off or turn Them on you can change the font you can Go ahead and select the case how you Want them aligned you can also do the Spacing the height the width the lines And this is where I was talking about The Y position so if we come Here and we see where the captions are We can actually take the Y position and We can put them wherever we want so we Can make sure that we like where the Captions are going to be so that they Draw Attention and people are able to read Them and they’re not covering up faces And stuff like that so we can come Through here and we’ll see our captions Are there and if we want to move our Captions we can just go ahead and move Them up and we can say where we like Them also you have the opportunity to do A progress bar I really like this Because you see here on the top we have The progress bar and with the progress Bar you can put it on the top you can Put it on the bottom or you can make it Go all the way around and you can also

Change change the color of the progress Bar so it keeps people’s attention as It’s moving around and so we can go Ahead and do that with the progress bar You see here and so it’s going to keep People’s attention on the video so they Don’t swipe away also we have the audio Wave which I really like this feature Now with the audio wave you have Different options here and if you have Of course the pro options you can go and Select those and so you can have your Wave lines on the bottom you can have Lots and lots of wav lines you can go Ahead and choose how big the frequency Is for it you can also do bar gaps total Bar Gap if he does the whole thing or Only half of the video how high it’s Going to go up we can Center it end it We can put it in the top the middle or The bottom you see here top middle or Bottom and you can also have how round They are so that when it’s playing you Can go go ahead and change it exactly How you want it you can change the color You can change all of that so it’s very Easy to select exactly what you want in Your Video also you have the option to go Ahead and do b-roll if you generate B-roll stocks it will go ahead and Generate pieces of b-roll through here And then you can go ahead and change it So let’s go ahead and do generate b-roll

Right now and each of these only takes a Couple of seconds to be able to do so What you can do is you can come over Here find out what it’s saying so this One here is talking about stories so if We didn’t like this one we could go Ahead and go replace and we could say Maybe like reading or maybe book or Something like that so let’s go ahead And see what we can find all right so we Have 200 stories this person’s reading a Book let’s see what it’s saying over Here okay this one’s not bad he’s happy About the 14.95 a month we’re done there And then you can also add music as you If you want you can go ahead and enable Music they’ve got quite a bit of music To go ahead and add there you can also Drag and drop MP3 files in there uh to Go ahead and have some music as well Which is pretty nice once we are done And we like the way that it looks uh Then we can export it now on the Captions as say if we wanted to add some More or take some of this away you can Click this expand box and you’ll go Ahead and see what has been selected and If you decide you want to add anything Else to this inside your video all you Have to do is you just select what you Want added to the video you click apply Changes and it will automatically be Added to the end of the video so we can Go ahead and look at it here quickly and

Easily you can go ahead and add you can Take away from your video anything like That once you’re done then all you do is You click export and this is going to go Ahead and Export your video and it will Download for you and we can go ahead and Go back to clips and we will get an Email once this is done we download it And we’re able to upload it to our Social platforms that’s funny because it Only took about one to two minutes to go Ahead and get this email so let’s go Ahead and download our video it’s going To go ahead and come up here we can go Open it up and we can see what we Have I’ve shown one or upsell offer one Comes with 500 more stories plus visual Assets to go ahead and promote those It’s 14.95 per month it comes with new Seasonal content every month with Holiday stories activities quizzes and Images 2000 printable Worksheets this has colored by numbers So quick easy to use and it has really Good quality and the great thing is the Bundle pricing you be able to get this For a lifetime no more fees and if you Get the bundle pricing you can also Build in an extra Revenue stream for Monthly recurring access or to be able To quickly get your money back by being Able to go ahead and sell lifetime Accounts

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About the Author: masterpassive