KDP AI Cracked Review Bonus Scam or Legit Book Self Publishing Training Passivecashstacker Podcast
https://justdeal.info/kdpaicracked ◀◀◀ GET UP TO 2 FREE COURSES NOW with KDP AI CRACKED BONUS -affiliate-
KDP AI CRACKED Review of the Course by Demetris Papadopoulos also known as D-PAPA who Studied a B.A.A Entrepreneurship Degree at Central Michigan University and currently lives in Athens, Greece. Bonuses can be claimed at https://justdeal.info/kdpaicracked .
KDP AI CRACKED Released on 08/30/2024 10:00 AM (US Central Time).
This course detailed how Demetris as a new KDP publisher was able to quickly use AI to publish a few books within a few hours and make 486 Orders in just 27 days. We go over the course module offering, OTO One Time Offer Upsells, the backdoor discount you can get by following the detailed instructions as well as a way to get two more KDP AI Publishing courses for free that are valued at 299.
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PODCAST posted from recording https://youtu.be/rVqEHKKB7vk or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVqEHKKB7vk
Hi this is the KDP AI cracked review and Bonus if you want to claim your bonuses And get the best early bird pricing go To the website just Deal.in KDP AI cracked now inside here I'm going to go ahead and walk you Through the sales page I'm going to go Ahead and show you the two bonuses that I'll be offering depending on what you Get we'll also take a behind thes scenes Look at the actual course that you're Going to get we'll show you the otos and The upsales and we're also going to give You our honest opinion on what we think I've gone through this entire course as You probably know we do a lot of Self-publishing we've got a couple of Courses on self-publishing ourselves so I'm going to go ahead and dive in and Show you exactly what you get here Inside of KDP AI cracked this is a Course by Demetrius Papadopoulos they Also call him D Papa and this he has Actually come out with quite a few Trainings and courses previously he is a Top vendor he usually comes out with Quality Content so here is the sales page it Does have a little bit of a demo video Of what you're going to go ahead and get Some of the books that he went ahead and Published from scratch never publishing Before and so he takes you along the Steps of what he did to be able to
Generate these commissions and the Royalties on Amazon KDP publishing And so you see here some of the Screenshots as he started from the Beginning to continuing on I think by The end of the case study he made like 72 bucks within a week or two which is Pretty cool and so it tells about Demetrius here and who he is what he's Been doing in the past and you can see The book that he published and he had Printed shows you the basics of what the Course is going to be in the back end H The different modules that are going to Be there and when it starts now it is Going to be $27 for the early bird Launch price now when that timer goes Down it is going to pretty much double In price to $47 so if this is a course That you want to go ahead and take Advantage of you want to get it during The early bird launch price if not You're going to pay a lot more it's Going to be launching uh tomorrow so you Have time to go ahead and do your Research before you jump in now let's go Ahead and look at the bonuses that You'll get if you decide to buy through Me there's going to be two bonus options Here so if you decide to purchase Through me you'll be able to get access To my course AI instant book publishing Now this is a course that I sell for $99 And you will be able to get the upgrade
Inside that course as well included and This is if you buy the front end through Me so if you just buy the front end That's all you want to get you're going To get my AI instant book publishing Course which shows you how to make 10 Chapter books in 2 minutes also how to Make things a lot closer to the prompts That you want to go ahead and create Those books as well as to be able to put In your prompt and let it continue while It creates that book and you have to do No intervention or nothing else to be Able to do that as opposed to in the Course how we teach you going step by Step we're going to show you exactly how To do your research and get your book Written quickly and easily uh in 2 Minutes without having to do anything Else and if you decide to get the Upgrade now let me show you there is uh Two upgrade options that you can do but We have our 199 course road to Bestseller this actually shows you how To be able to become a bestseller on Amazon KDP and then how to make money 15 Different other ways and how to be able To publish and get royalties on 64 other Platforms and so you actually get 64 Additional streams of income for that One book that you publish you'll be able To get this if you go through one of the Otos so let me go ahead and show you What you can do you will get for the
Front end my AI book publishing instant Book publishing and if you do the two Upgrades I'm going to tell you about you Can do road to best seller so the front End like I said is going to have an Early bird launch price at $27 now I'll Have all this information on my blog Post there'll be a link below that will Have my bonuses as well as the otos and Everything about the course you can Click that in the link below in the Description it'll say blog post so the Front end is going to going to start off At $27 and then go to 47 now they have An ot1 which is KDP AI done for you Sweet that's $37 now you can go ahead And check all these otos and everything That it comes with in the description Below if they also have ot2 KDP AI done For you sweet light that's $27 then they Have ot3 KDP AI Limitless traffic now This is one of your options if you get This option here you'll be able to go Ahead and do it so if you do the 197 Yearly Limitless traffic then you will Be able to get my course road to Bestseller the 199 course you'll be able To get that if you do the 197 a year Oto3 but look here there's a second way That you can actually get everything as Well so you can actually get if you Skip Oto1 Skip ot2 Skip oto3 and they also Have something called ot4 KDP a authors Elite C that's $97 but if you skip ot4
You'll actually come to o5 which is the KDP AI Fastpass VIP bundle so that's 247 So if you pick this up you will also get My road to bestseller 199 course for Free so if you either pick up this or The Yearly of the Limitless traffic then you Will get that but watch here so you will Actually get all the previous otos for This 247 you will get oto1 ot2 O3 Ot4 and so you'll get the KDP done for You sweet Limitless traffic and the Author's Elite circle now let me tell You this you will get the Limitless Traffic for one year because they charge 197 for the year so you will get the Limitless traffic for one year and then Everything else for Lifetime at the 247 So you actually save $120 if you just buy this package here You'll save1 $2 $120 on buying the rest Of the otos so if you buy Ot5 or if you buy the yearly on ot3 by Itself you my road to bestseller 199 Course included so if you skip all of Those and you go to the VIP pass this is Going to be 05 it's going to look like This exclusive discount deal and you'll Be able to get to the end and it shows You everything that you get but remember You're going to get 12 months 12 months Of traffic boost Because remember you have to pay for That yearly so you'll get 12 months for
Free and then all the other otos Included and you can go ahead uh take a Look at this I will go ahead and have This outlined on my blog as well so Inside the course this is what it's Going to look like when you get the Front end it's going to say welcome to KDP AI cracked and so we've got the Welcome video we've got the strategy in The process explained getting started With Amazon KDP choosing a profitable With AI now the great thing is if you Get my front-end bonus this one here he Shows you how to methodically go through And see how to be able to create a but I'm actually going to show you a way It's a paid way but it's a lifetime deal If you want to do it to be able to find Books that are actually Creating sales every single month and You'll be able to see if it's making $10 A month or $30,000 a month so you'll be Able to really find those winners and be Able to copy success so that is in my Front-end bonus course so right here he Shows you that also KDP creating your KDP product with AI and remember my Frontend course shows you how to Instantly make 10 chapter Books in two minutes without having to Do the methodical step-by-step that he Showed you also he's going to show you Driving traffic to your books which was A pretty interesting module he's going
To say done for you prompt templates and Guides and so he's going to have that He's also going to have scaling your KDP Business which is really important once You find a winner of one of your books That is selling and getting conversions And reviews this is a really good module To use and then the conclusion and the Upgrades that you can get plus his proof Of results now remember he has never Done any publishing before he started With a fresh account and it was a couple Of weeks where he made these commissions And royalties inside of his KDP account Which is pretty cool I always love to See generated results so that is my Review of KDP AI cracked and if you want To go ahead and pick up my bonuses make Sure you click the link below the first Link below in this video will give you The ability to go ahead and grab my First front-end bonus and then if you Either pick up Otto number three KDP AI Limitless traffic Yearly or if you skip everything and Pick up ot5 KDP AI fastp VIP bundle you Will be able to get my road to Bestseller course 199 course absolutely Free thank you so much for watching Today I really appreciate your support If you liked this content if it was Informative Smack That thumbs up it Really helps and if you picked up the Course or you liked the video leave a
Comment below it really helps with the Algorithm and we read every single Comment we'll see you next time here on The passive cash stacker remember once Again if if you want to claim your Bonuses and get the best early bird Pricing go to the website just Deal.in KDP AI crack please click the Like button if you like bonuses or Bunnies