00:02:01 – aiwisemind features
00:03:50 – aiwisemind vs yt evolution
00:05:00 – Best use your aiwisemind Posts
00:06:15 – aiwisemind message from Creator Chris Derenberger
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????AIWISEMIND Review????
In this segment, we discuss the capabilities, features, and benefits of AIWISEMIND. We put to rest any doubts you may have and assure you that investing in AIWISEMIND is a wise and advantageous decision. Whether you’re an experienced tech professional or a beginner looking to dip their toes into the world of artificial intelligence, AIWISEMIND is a highly beneficial tool that can cater to a diverse range of needs.
????AIWISEMIND & YTEVOLUTION Controversy????
The heart of the matter. We delve deep into the controversy that’s been swirling around AIWISEMIND and YTEVOLUTION. We cut through the rumors and present the facts, explaining why any previous owners of YTEVOLUTION should count themselves lucky. We shed light on the intricacies of both platforms and make it abundantly clear why one stands out from the other.
Stay tuned till the end of the video to get a complete understanding of this topic. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe to stay updated with the latest in AI and tech.
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Greetings this is Daniel the passive Cash stacker and today we are looking at AI a wise mind and some a little bit of Controversy that has been surrounding Some of it uh with some of the previous Buyers of the old uh YT Evolution which Is one of my favorite uh you know Plugins ever now uh here on AI wise mind Uh basically what it does is it does Automatic uh publishing of uh product Reviews so you can do ClickBank Warrior Plus jvzoo uh share a sale impact Flex Offers all that kind of stuff I've been A beta tester since this came out it is Amazing but some people uh there is a Little bit of controversy surrounding it That people have really blown out of Proportion and I am here to uh you know Kind of quell that a little bit to show You uh what people have uh said about it Uh the pluses the minuses and uh whether You should hold yourself lucky or not if You are an early adopter of the other uh Plug-in So uh this is going to be going live Right now uh on a couple of platforms Um but uh you know if you have the Opportunity make sure that you leave a Comment down below and I will be having This uploaded on YouTube later but Um you know AI wise mind is really Really a good product uh but it does Have one limitation because they use a Lot of uh high-level proxies and they
Use API which costs a lot of money You're very limited on the number of Posts that you can do depending on the Tier of the program that you have now This is the limitation and this is why I Think that some people should count Themselves lucky uh for the old days and If you have the old stuff then you Should be excited Um so right here you know you're able to Do the site Wizard and connect sites so It automatically uh starts your uh WordPress site uh you know putting it Together so for people who are not very Good with WordPress uh this is really Good because this actually basically Sets up your whole WordPress Installation for you uh it automatically Creates categories which for years I've Had issues with uh and it actually uh Installs a lot of your plugins activates Them uh it will set up your bio it will Set up all of your uh different [Music] Um You know uh disclaimers and stuff like That and so I think that's really really Important to know because if you Struggle with being able to set up WordPress websites uh the site Wizard And the connecting of sites Is a game changer it's really really Good I actually used to have a plug-in Years ago uh that actually helped with
This kind of stuff it was like 400 bucks Just for the plug-in just to set stuff Up so you're getting an extra app in That uh now it also has site groups Which allows you to put you know Multiple sites in one Niche into a Specific category so if you want to Create one campaign you have the ability To go ahead and uh you know set up like Five four you know weight loss or five Four uh keto or whatever you want to do And so when you start a campaign it Allows you to be able to send all of the Posts scattered uh into those five Different ones so you can have you know 25 posts and you know five of each will Go to each website which is pretty cool But uh the thing that people are having Issues with Is the YouTube posts coming soon now I I Don't think that you should have an Issue with this And for people who didn't have the YT Evolution it doesn't even matter right So if it didn't have it you're getting An extra app inside built inside uh of Aiwise my which is pretty awesome Um but the thing is and and the reason Why I'm probably mostly gonna stick to Just the AI wise mind basic Functionality uh is because with the old Days on the YT Evolution it's no longer For sale It's no longer for sale but if you had
This plug-in especially if you were LTD Owner you get unlimited sites and Unlimited posts all right so basically You hook up your YouTube API and you get Unlimited sites and unlimited posts and If you are somebody who is currently Subscribed to it on a monthly plan for Me I would probably keep it because you Get unlimited sites and unlimited posts Uh now with the new AI wise mind You are going to have uh you know Basically a certain amount of posts per Month and you pay per the amount of Posts that you want all right so if you Are doing the AI reviews you know of all Of the different platforms as well as Amazon where it automatically pulls Scrapes and posts for you I would Dedicate all of these posts to those Type of of posts because you're paying Per credit right so you got a hundred Posts 250 posts 500 posts 1250 posts and 3 000 posts Now with this I would definitely make Sure That I'm using my unlimited posts With YT Evolution so I have the original LTD and the updated LTD 4yt Evolution And yes they are going to add a bunch of New features to aiwise mind and they're Actually going to have it rewrite Articles uh with chat GPT about your Video but think about it like this like If you have the old YT Evolution you
Have the ability to get unlimited sites And unlimited posts and you don't pay Any extra which is great and uh we have A message here from the Creator and he Says that they are going to continue to Maintain YT Evolution plug-in so if you Have that plug-in And especially if you're a a lifetime User then you are going to be able to Have it maintained make sure that it's Working and you're going to be able to Get unlimited views and you're going to Be able to get unlimited posts unlimited Websites right so use that if you have The lifetime or if you're currently on The on the monthly for YT Evolution I Would keep that because you're not Paying any extra fees and when you use AI wise mind you can use this whole Quota For the ranking post now for me Uh I'm on the 200 posts here and I have Paused all of my campaigns for the next Couple of days because that is when uh My stuff renews and goes to the next Month so for me I run a ton of sites on YT Evolution and for unlimited sites and Unlimited posts I'm going to keep that Going uh because Um You know these are so powerful you know These AI wise mind posts are very very Rankable they create posts just like uh Google wants to see and Bing wants to
See you know let that work in the Background and you know Use your YT Evolution now if you don't Have YT Evolution you don't even have to Worry about that all right so if you Don't have YT Evolution then you're just Getting an extra you're getting an extra Benefit with being able to get the YouTube post coming soon right so there Is no controversy there because Just count yourself lucky if you have The YT evolution in the past or if You're currently on it because you get To do unlimited right now if you are on The AI wise mind it doesn't really Matter because you get access to this Now and you can actually incorporate This into your site if you want but for Me the most powerful thing Is the automated campaigns for Amazon Right this is a game changer and and Being able to have that where you can do The multi-product reviews in 10 seconds For all of the main posts that's Phenomenal and for being able to you Know cue 100 or 150 posts in a Particular targeted Niche for your Website and just let it drip is is Awesome you know for me I'm getting Ready to go on vacation with my family And while I'm gone you know it's going To be able to start posting and it's Going to be great so of course I'm going To hang on to my YT Evolution LTD or if
I had a monthly plan I'm going to hang On to that too because you get the Unlimited but You know being able to have something Extra added in for the same price that You're paying is pretty great right so If you don't have YT Evolution if you Didn't jump in and get access to YT Evolution before it no longer went for Sale Then you're just getting a bonus program And people should be extremely excited But if you are on YT Evolution monthly Or YT Evolution lifetime you should hang On to it because Unlimited Is nice and you can actually use all of The potential of AI wise mind for your New articles all right for your new Articles that are created with chat GPT That are easily rankable on Google and On Bing so for me it's a no-brainer they Are both excellent uh they are going to Be like I said they're going to be Adding chat gbt rewriting of your Article uh or summarizing of your Article with aiwise mind coming soon uh But it's nothing to worry about it's Nothing to fret about it is really Really good for everyone whether you're An old YT Evolution user or a new aiwise Mine user and one thing that just came Out is the interlinking and I don't know If you know anything about uh SEO uh but Interlinking of common posts on your
Website is very very important and this Is actually going to scan all of of your Posts not just your AI wise mind posts And if there is something that is Connected together Then it will be able to uh Interlink and Help you on the SEO and the ability to Possibly rank so hopefully this was uh Informative on being able to quell and Squash some of that controversy that has Been jumping around Um you know if you have any questions Make sure you leave a comment down below And uh Uh if you want to go ahead and pick this Up you can pick it up at get to be able to claim my Bonuses my free training as well as Private support for me if you have Questions along the way you can hit me Up in messenger and I will be there to Support you along the way all right Thank you so much for watching today and I'll talk to you soon