7 figure cheat code review vs 7 figure accelerator Review Bonus Back office Demo
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How To: 7 figure cheat code review vs 7 figure accelerator Review Bonus Back office Demo.
Are you looking to take your online business to the next level? In this video, I will be comparing two powerful programs: the 7 figure cheat code and the 7 figure accelerator.
The 7 figure cheat code, created by Robin Palmer, is a comprehensive training program that focuses on YouTube ranking, product launch jacking, and affiliate marketing. Robin Palmer is a top student of Philip Johansson, and he shares his knowledge and strategies in this course.
On the other hand, the 7 figure accelerator, also created by Philip Johansson, is a larger program with a stronger focus on Instagram marketing and AI mastery. It offers in-depth training on Instagram hacks, Facebook marketing, and even TikTok strategies.
Both programs have their own unique benefits and deliverables. The 7 figure cheat code offers a lower price point and a simpler funnel, making it a great option for those on a budget. Additionally, it includes two bonus courses: the 7 figure secrets course and the traffic cataclysm course.
Meanwhile, the 7 figure accelerator offers a larger community and more extensive training. It includes additional live calls and access to content creators, video editors, and copywriters. However, it comes with a higher price tag.
No matter which program you choose, I am offering exclusive bonuses to help you fast-track your success. These bonuses include access to my Q&A section, modeled text overlays for your videos, IG real covers, Canva and Pictory training, and more.
To get started, simply click the link below and choose the program that aligns with your goals and budget. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to take your online business to new heights. I’m Daniel, the passive cash stacker, and I’ll see you in the next video.
⏰ 7 figure cheat code Video Chapters ⏰
00:00 Introduction
02:28 Comparison between Seven-Figure Cheat Code and Seven-Figure Accelerator
03:30 Seven-Figure Cheat Code overview
05:12 Pricing options for Seven-Figure Cheat Code
07:55 Bonuses and additional courses included in Seven-Figure Cheat Code
10:37 Overview of Seven-Figure Accelerator
12:30 Pricing options for Seven-Figure Accelerator
14:40 Bonuses and bonus structure for Seven-Figure Accelerator
20:14 Conclusion and final thoughts on both programs
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???? 7 figure cheat code by Robin Palmer Favorite Channel Video Series ????
7 figure Cheat Code Review vs 7 figure accelerator https://youtu.be/SosekzZRSts
7 Figure Accelerator Review 30 Day Update: https://youtu.be/5NBk4lMP-yI
7 Figure Accelerator Review 3 Week Update (NEW BONUS)
7 Figure Accelerator Review 2 Week Update https://youtu.be/Y9HqB1oNO08
7 Figure Accelerator Review 1 Week Update: https://youtu.be/expfeXozUkA
7 Figure Accelerator Review Bonus: https://youtu.be/PNP6As4RW7k
7 Figure Accelerator Review VS Legendary Marketer Business Blueprints: https://youtu.be/rbXGlyaE7i4
Legendary Marketer Business Blueprints VS 7 Figure Accelerator Review: https://youtu.be/bhmoLWFyFIY
7 figure accelerator review of 7 figure multiplier review bonus https://youtu.be/v4f6g3syLMo
7 Figure Accelerator Review Contest https://youtu.be/oQW8ZEWlxdk
Playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL47Av1427zuVo4-DuFZi3TG1AtzfEO7XT
#7FigureCheatCodeReview #7FigureCheatCode #7FigureCheatCodebonus #passivecashstacker
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Today we are diving in and doing a Comparison of the seven figure cheat Code and the Seven figure accelerator a Lot of people have been asking what the Difference is what the price is what the Substance is what the deliverables are So we're going to go ahead and dive in Today and show you what that is so with The seven figure cheat code this is by Robin Palmer this is a guy who was Really big in YouTube ranking product Launch jacking and he is actually a Student of Philip Johansson so he's Actually inside of the community for Philip Johansson and he was one of the Top students where he got the top Training and the top level where he paid The most to be able to get in there and Do the training and all that kind of Stuff so Philip Jo Hanson taught him how To also create a similar type course and This is where you might be able to save Some money and still get some great Substance when you're looking here at The seven figure cheat code it is very Similar in the deliverables of what you Get for the substance so it's got some Of the students here who've been making Some money it it basically tells about Him and that you're able to go ahead and Get started now with this the pricing is Actually where you can get a really good Deal if you decide to go with seven Figureure cheat code and I'm going to
Show you how with the seven figure cheat Code you have the done for you option Where you can pay all at once and that Is1 1997 now the done for you option is Basically you're going to submit some Information and they're going to go Ahead and create the funnels for you They're going to create the email Sequence for you and uh it's going to be Done by their team you just basically Give them an email you give them access To your email autor and they're going to Go ahead and set it up in the background For you for onetime payment they also Have a three time payment for done for You system that is three 1K payments and That means they are going to create the Funnels for you they're going to create The ebal sequence for you all of that Good stuff for three onetime payments But this is where you can really save Some money and I'll let you know how so Right here they have to complete the Training system yourself and you get it For $800 this does not include the done For you and the group support so with The done for you this gives you the Ability to be able to go ahead and get All of the trainings and to find find Out how to do it but you have to build Your own funnels your own email sequence Stuff like that but what's really good About this is they have the up sale Which is very much like the multiplier
Used to be in the seven figure Accelerator where you can go ahead and Get the upsale so instead of getting 50% Commissions on the course you actually Are able to get 65% commissions now Currently this one here is I think 1K Yeah it's 1K right now but with this You're going to be paying $1,800 instead of the 20 $2,000 or $2,500 on regular pricing for the other One and you will actually get much Higher commissions on a much simpler Funnel so in this funnel here the only Two things that you have are the front End where they have the training and Then they have the done for you system And then they have the upsale if you Want to get higher commissions at 65% But if you do this you actually get two Additional courses included and let me Go ahead and show that to you right now So when you upgrade to the seven figure Cheat code and you get the up grade Where you get the 65% commissions uh you Also get two additional courses so you Would come down here to bonus training And it's got the additional courses so Right here you get the seven figure Secrets course which it's a whole entire Course by itself and you also get Traffic cataclysm course which is hugely In-depth onook marketing the Facebook Algorithm email marketing DM marketing All kinds of stuff like that so this
Actually comes with two additional full Courses plus the 15% additional Commission if you decide to promote his System now in inside of the seven figure Cheat code what I really like that they Don't really go into inside of the seven Figure accelerator is that he goes Basically over all of the steps that are Laid out in the seven figure accelerator And all the techniques that are in the Seven figure accelerator and he is Precise he tells you exactly what needs To be done all the emulations and stuff Like that is described in hundreds of Hours of lives because I guess people Don't really pay attention too much when They were in the seven fig accelerator Because it's really great that Johansson Gets gets on there and he explains it What they should do how they should do It looking at their accounts but Literally he says the same thing over And over and inside this course he's Very clear and concise on exactly what You need to do the steps you need to Follow so that you're able to get Conversions on whatever you want to Promote so you can promote this course You can get high ticket affiliate Commissions but both courses teach you How to promote any program that you want And be able to use these techniques but What I like is even though both of them Show you how to do this in pretty much
The same capacity he also goes into Doing the same type of thing with YouTube with Facebook and with Tik Tok And when you buy this front-end course You also get his other YouTube ranking Course that he was selling for $500 rank Master YouTube traffic ranking system Now I don't know if you know me very Well but I'm all about YouTube ranking And I actually found a couple of nuggets Inside that course that I had never even Heard about and this is some of the ways That he was able to get good rankings on Other products when he was promoting and Doing launch checking for other products Because what Robin Palmer is known for Most is launch jaing on products and a Lot of the time before I learned a lot Of my strategies you would see him Ranked number one two or three on launch Products and some of those techniques Are in the course that you also get so You get three free courses if you Upgrade but if you just buy the front End you get his rank master course for Free which was selling for 500 bucks Which is pretty cool so not only does he Go pretty in depth into YouTube the Facebook and the Tik Tok because both of The guys cover Instagram pretty in depth But you also get the YouTube ranking Course as well and that is actually Inside the group once you buy for people Who are out there trying to Pirate
Courses and stuff like that so they Can't get a hold of that that's pretty Good now inside of this course here the Main course there's 20 modules now Inside of the seven figure accelerator The main course has 165 modules now one Thing that recently came out like I said Seven figure accelerator really focuses On Instagram and then they pepper a Little bit of other programs and social Sites out there but one thing that came Out recently that was really impressive That I've never seen before was the AI Mastery now they actually show you how You can use faceless AI to be able to go Ahead and create your content and this Is actually next level stuff so yes this Course is a little bit more expensive But it has this in here it this really Focuses on being able to promote any Product in here that you want using Instagram and Instagram Next Level Techniques and then the AI Mastery is a Really big pointer for this course for Seven figure accelerator so that's the Big differentiator between the two seven Figure accelerator is about Instagram And then it has the AI Mastery and it Shows you Instagram hacks and techniques To be able to get traffic to any offer That you want whether you're promoting The high ticket offer that you purchased Or you're promoting your own offer or Whatever but this AI Mastery is next
Level the differences between the two is This one has Instagram and Ai and the Seven figure cheat code has Instagram And then it covers YouTube Facebook Tik Tok and you get his YouTube ranking Course as well and like I said the Funnel on the seven figure cheat code is Super simple it's the front end and it's Got three pricing options and then it's The upsell to get the increased Commissions so 15% more commissions Pretty straightforward and with this Upgrade you also get two bonus courses Like I said you get the six figureure Secrets by him Mr Robin Palmer as well As the traffic cataclysm now when we are Talking about additional trainings Inside of the seven figureure cheat code Inside of his Facebook group seven Figureure cheat code by Robin Palmer he Has 20 different previously recorded Live calls with some of his students That have bought into the course and With seven figure accelerator there are 18 live calls per week now like I said a Lot of these calls are people asking the Same thing please look at my Instagram Please look at my social profile see What I'm doing wrong tell me what to do You can sit through there and you can Dig out some nuggets every once in a While and then they also have mindset Training they have DM training on the Live call stuff like that once per week
You're going to see Philip Johansson for Sure and then he has his other people That do the other trainings on those Live calls so seven figure cheat code Has previously recorded live calls 20 of Those and the Seven figure accelerator Has 18 live calls per week now on this One like I said on the seven figureure Cheat code you have the opportunity to Be able to pick this one up and like I Said if you are good at writing emails Or using chat GPT to write emails you Can actually slide into this one really Inexpensively so right here it's Currently a onetime payment at 2K or a Three-time payment at 1K * 3 but if you Do the complete training system for the 800 this gives you the opportunity to Upgrade for less and so you can Literally get three bonus courses you Can get increased commissions at 65% if You decide to promote his product and I'll actually get you a share codee for Ghl so that you can go ahead and tweak The funnel however you want or we'll go Ahead and set up the optimized funnel For you uh so that you'll go ahead and Have the landed Pages we'll go ahead and Optimize it for you so if you want to go Ahead and take the cheaper option and do The upgrade you can actually get it less Than what you're going to be paying for The front end price to increase Commissions and we'll go ahead and host
The landing page we'll go ahead and host The optimized funnel for you so that you Can go ahead and start driving traffic Save some money start making money Faster and you get that increased 65% Commission like I said you can either go Through it and you can go ahead and pay The regular amount if you want the Onetime payment of $1 199.99 or you can Get the uh three time payment at 3K 1K Per month for three months or you can Take the low priced option and get that One for $800 and I'll go ahead and host It all all for you so all you have to do Is go ahead and provide a picture of Yourself so see here where I have a Picture of myself you just need to go Ahead and provide a picture of yourself That you can easily do in canva h you Need to give me your name and your Affiliate link and we can go ahead and Build out the funnel for you super quick And easy as a bonus for buying through My link and I'm also going to go ahead And give you some additional training That I have learned in all of the Programs through my link then you will Have access to my four figure bonus and Special bonus section to answer tons and Tons of questions for you that people Are asking every day that I distilled And put it all in one place so that you Can quickly start getting results if you Get it through my link then you will get
Access to this bonus section the bonus Section has all the Q&A what you need to Do plus I have modeled text overlays That I pulled from a lot of high Converting videos where you're able to Go ahead and change the wording a little Bit to suit you so that you have Readymade text for your videos I also Have IG real covers and real cover Templates that I have created for you That you are able to use or to change a Little bit so that you can have things Pop out when people are in the feed I Also do extra canva and pictory short Video training to show you how to Quickly and easily make shorts or short Raw videos for you to put your text Overlays on and I also show you how to Be able to automatically post on six Social platforms after you post your one Main video plus you will have access to My 999 YouTube ranking masterclass I Sell it every day for 1K you will get Free access to that 32 module training Course plus you will also get 30 days Free access to my PCS tube growth YouTube ranking extension which allows You to make YouTube ranking descriptions In 90 seconds instead of 45 minutes and Start ranking long form content on YouTube quickly so you can have another Stream of leads and Sales Plus I also am Going to be providing you free Outsourcing training to show you how I'm
Using 12 vas to be able to uh do a lot Of my content so that I have time to Spend time with my family do traveling And to be able to do more money-making Tasks since the load is lifted off of my Shoulder all of these big bonuses here You will get after day 31 after the Refund period is gone because it's Literally like 2K in bonuses but you Will get access to my bonus section that Has all the quick start Q&A quick tips You will get that as soon as you Purchase so that you can hit the ground Running and you can get ahead of the Bonus cherry on top contest so that you Can go ahead and optimize it faster get It going faster so you can promote these Programs or any other program that you Have whether it is your program or Somebody else's program and the great Thing that I love about these techniques That I have been able to implement is That I was able to go ahead and actually Sell five of my high ticket YouTube Ranking courses using this as well as Some other products that I was promoting And I was able to use these techniques To be ble to get sales and traction and Rankings faster so that I could go ahead And increase the earnings and roll that Over into other things that I wanted to Do now if you are looking and you have Your heart set on the seven figure Accelerator they currently actually have
A sale right now Black Friday sale I'll Have a link below but if it's not on the Black Friday sale it is usually $500 More so they have a one-time payment at 2K but like I said it's usually $500 More at 2500 or they have right now the Installment payment of $99.97 right now And 99 7 in 6 months but like I said It's currently on promotion app Black Friday it's going back up to 500 bucks And then they also have installment Payment you can do five payments of $4.97 every 30 days or if you go for the Onetime payment they actually have Something right here called claro where You buy it now and then you pay it over Time and then if you go for the Installment payments then they have PayPal visa and Google pay that is an Option like I said right now for the Seven figure accelerator they're running It at 1,900 but like I said usually it Is at 500 and if you want the upgrade For this the other upgrade $9.99 right If you want the upgrade for this it is Sitting at 8K with this one here you get Increased commissions you're getting I Think 10% higher commissions on the Funnel so you're only getting 50% with This upgrade right here with the Original upgrade you're getting 42% and With this one here you're also going to Get the text and voice and what's up Chat with Phil's head coach you'll also
Get invitation to in-person masterminds But I believe the imperson masterminds Are in Dubai and you also get access to His content creator his video editors His copywriters this really is for if You are making good money with the Program already like I said in the first Couple of months I made about 28k with This program so it is pretty good it's It's pretty high converting when you're Sending traffic to it but the thing that You need to know is it is such a large Community that sometimes your voice can Get lost a little bit they have a lot of Support staff and they have support Email and stuff like that but sometimes You'll wait a week two weeks three weeks To get an answer or things are so Constantly changing that it's hard to Know exactly what the flow is where You're sending people what the offer is Stuff like that so you pretty much have To be on a call a couple times a week to Know what's going on what's Happening What the updates are it is a great Opportunity I've made quite a bit of Money from it but what I want you to Know is that it is a huge group of People so if you have a question it Might get lost even though they do have Pretty much daily lives multiple lives Per day 18 calls per week you may feel Like you're unheard because there are so Many people involved in the program so
If you want a little bit more of a f Focused approach where you're able to Easily get your questions answered and Stuff like that you might uh look at the Seven figure cheat code and literally It's very simple there's two steps in it It's not too expensive to go ahead and Get that knowledge and you will be heard When you ask questions now inside the Seven figure accelerator it's got some Of the top Affiliates in the industry That are part of this program and there Are a lot of people who were never Affiliates before who've gone on to make 10 15 20 30k after following the steps And training and actually putting things Into action so both of them have a great Opportunity both of them have their Pluses and their minuses where you're Able to get into a similar program for a Lot less to get the same knowledge but It's not as widely known or you can get Into a big program where people are Making big amounts of money but you may Feel like you're not heard because there Are so many people there now with the Seven figure accelerator I think done Something like $17 million so far and The Seven figure cheat codes done Something like 100k or something like That there's a big difference there one Is somebody who learned from his mentor And is teaching a lot of the same Concepts so it's up to you what you are
Looking to do but as before if you're Looking at getting in the seven Figureure accelerator I have this bonus Here that I'm offering you that will Give you the opportunity to be able to Kickstart your training and Implementation a lot faster and so you Can go ahead and look at the bonus here And that is what I am offering for Either the front end or the upgrade and You will have the opportunity to be able To get in there and move a lot faster so I'm offering a bonus for both of them They are both really good information They both have upstanding guys but it's Probably going to be a little bit easier To get a hold of Robin Palmer than it is Philip Johansson because he is answering Questions of hundreds of people and when We get on a call there's literally a few Hundred people on the call so it's up to You very similar knowledge very similar Offerings a little bit of a different Price point there but like I said I've Done both of them I've gone through both Of the tra I've seen results with both Would you prefer a lower price PR with Similar training with a smaller crowd or Would you like to follow the large crowd Get more weekly training at a higher Price and be one of the many now I want To talk about bonuses with the seven Figure cheat code they have a bonus Structure that is exactly the same as
The bonus structure was for seven figure Accelerator when it was first uh uh Created last year so last year I Actually qualified for their uh $2,000 Bonus on the seven figure accelerator And I was just a few front- End Sales Away from the $4,000 bonus But it took me 5 months to be able to Bonus after the contest was over and I Just received my bonus probably last Week and so I waited for five months When said oh you're going to get it Right after the thing and then 90 days After and all that kind of stuff so like I said it you get lost in the flow Things are always changing so it's Really hard to know what's going on What's Happening what the timeline is And for me I love analytics I love Numbers I love to know what's happening Now with the seven figure cheat code It's really nice because once you Qualify for the bonuses so if you get Five sales you get $1,000 bonus if you Get 10 sales you get a $2,000 bonus if You get what is it if you get 20 sales You get a $3,000 bonus if you get free Sales you get $4,000 bonus all the way Up to $330,000 in bonuses and the great Thing is about this bonus structure as Soon as you hit those front-end sales And you hit that bonus 30 days after you Hit the bonus you get paid out which is Nice so you don't have to be sending 10
Support emails you don't have to wait For 5 months to get paid out as soon as You qualify for any bonus level while This is still open You get paid out in 30 days which is Nice now the sun figure accelerator they Have a new bonus structure and a bonus Chart but it's very vague so there is Aing of people on how many sales that They have made but they're saying you Could possibly win some cash you could Possibly win a car but nothing is Written out in stone there's no Timelines there's no deadlines and like I said I waited five months for the last Bonus you don't know exactly what the Bonus is it's not laid out it's not in Concrete it's not in stone for me I like To know what to work towards and when I'm going to achieve that when I'm going To be able to get that I really like This where as soon as you reach the goal Then you're able to go ahead and get That bonus payout 30 days afterwards if You decide to promote this particular Product other one you do get your Commissions you get your commissions After 14 days after and you get half of Those commissions and then after that You get the remainder of the commissions 40 days after that because it's on Copart this one here is on Warrior plus So depending on what your level is you Get paid out your commissions for the
Sales anywhere from 30 days 14 days 7 Days or 3 days depending on what your Rank is on Warrior plus and how long you Have been selling or selling as an Affiliate those are the two bonus Structures they both have bonuses they Both have had bonuses uh I have achieved Bonus which is nice but it's all Dependent on what you like better do you Like things written in stone and a Timeline or do you like to just get Bonuses whenever they come because They're nice that's up to you so there Are pluses and minuses with both Programs one's smaller one's bigger one Has more modules one has very similar Information but less modules there's Quite a a substantial price difference So it is up to you to make that decision But no matter what decision you make if You click My Links below you will get Access to my bonuses and then I will Make sure that you get set up and you Are on the fast track for whatever you Select and I'm going to show you other Ways to be able to use the information You learn inside the course you choose To FasTrack your way to success thank You so much for watching this super long Comparison video on the seven figureure Cheat code and the Seven figure Accelerator I am Daniel the passive cash Stacker and I'll see you next time