Freelance Gigworker QUICK CASH – DOORDDASH DAY 1 How to Get Started Q&A Side Hustle Gig Economy
Day 1 of DoorDash: Ultimate Guide to Quick Cash for Freelancers
Welcome to Day 1 of DoorDash Driver First Day with Daniel from the Passive Cash Stacker channel! 🚗💨 If you’re looking for a fast way to make quick cash as a freelancer, this video is your ultimate guide to getting started with DoorDash. This episode begins a series aimed at helping freelancers and gig workers get quick cash to meet immediate financial needs. Daniel dives into the sign-up process, tips for scheduling shifts, and proven strategies to maximize your earnings. Whether you’re new to the gig economy or a seasoned freelancer exploring new hustles, this video is packed with actionable advice.
In just 2.5 hours, Daniel completed six deliveries, earning $35.24 in base pay with tips. 💰 He shares behind-the-scenes tips like why having a pizza bag can boost your job options and earnings, and how to use scheduling tools for peak hours to make the most out of your shifts. With insights into payment methods, DoorDash Fast Cash, and how to plan future dashes, this video is perfect for freelancers looking to tackle financial goals or start a new side hustle.
This is the first video in an exciting series designed to empower freelancers and gig workers in the gig economy. Tune in to learn how to meet your financial needs, one delivery at a time! Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more tips on earning fast cash in the gig economy.
#DoorDashDay1 #GigEconomy #Hustleside #QuickCashFreelance #PassiveIncomeTips
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⏰ Freelance Gigworker QUICK CASH DOORDDASH Key Moments ⏰
00:00 Introduction to Freelance Gig Work
01:34 Getting Started with DoorDash
02:38 DoorDash Scheduling and Earnings
03:49 Payment Methods and DoorDash Fast Cash
08:57 Maximizing Earnings with Pizza Deliveries
11:39 DoorDash Conclusion and Future Plans
🎬 Freelance Gigworker QUICK CASH DOORDDASH Video Series 🎬
Freelance Gigworker QUICK CASH – DOORDDASH DAY 1 https://youtu.be/5QGI98N4sAI
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Hi this is the freelance gig worker quig Cash door Dash day one I'm going to be Going over an ultimate freelance side Hustle gig worker guide to be able to Buy back your time as a freelancer in The gig economy make sure you stick Until the end of the video so that I can Show you a tip that's going to increase Your orders with bigger orders and more Frequent orders that if you don't do it You'll miss out on extra cash now as you May know if you follow our Channel we Teach people how to make passive income That is low slow long-term where you're Able to build up your passive income Snowball but a lot of people have issues With needing cash right away so we're Actually going to go through a series Where we're going to do case studies on Being able to make some quick cash for Different side gigs different side Hustles and so we're going to show you Real world what it takes to be able to Do it what we're able to make all the Tips and tricks that we're going to go Ahead and learn along the way and we're Going to go ahead and show you this so That you have the ability to get some Quick cash when you need infusions of Money inside of your bank account so if You're struggling to either pay bills or You have something that you want to save Up for along the way we're going to show You the different side gigs and the tips
And tricks to be able to maximize that Money while doing it I am Daniel the Passive cash stacker now just for a Frame of reference this is my first day Uh that I went ahead and did door Dash Now I actually signed up on the phone For door Dash and Uber Eats on the same Day and I got my background check for Door Dash back in about a day and a half Uber Eats I'm still waiting and it's Been about 3 days so far so that's a Little bit of something they actually uh Requested me to upload a lot more Documents on Uber Eats and so it was Actually easier to be able to get into Door Dash to be able to get up and Running a little bit faster now with This first day here that I made $35 $24.50 in pay as well as $10.50 in tips I didn't get any added or Additional tips at the end and I didn't Get any reviews or star ratings uh I Took six deliveries and uh in that time I was driving for about 2 hours and 34 Minutes of active time while doing this For the first 3 hours that I had I had To schedule it you can't just go ahead And say Dash now and go ahead and start Making money you have to schedule it Because most of the time they already Have the amount of drivers that they Need unless there is a huge rush for Something now one thing that I learned Is you can actually find a hot spot
That's around the area that you may not Be in and if you want to go ahead and Dash onto the way to that hot spot you Can try to make some money but you might Get to the hot spot and then not be able To dash anymore so being able to Schedule things is pretty important so I Went ahead and got approved yesterday And I had to schedule uh this particular Uh time now when I was scheduling it the Only time that was available was the 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. and so that means that All the other spots for the rest of the Day were filled up so once you're done And you know your schedule you're going To want to make sure you scheduled the Times you feel that you're going to be Able to go ahead and work those so you Can go ahead and pick up some cash now Right here we see that you actually have Two opportunities or options to be able To get paid on the door Dash app you can Go ahead and have them send it to your Bank account and this may be different In different markets uh but in my market They pay on Monday and then depending on How long it takes for your bank to Receive that it can be that day or up to 3 days to be able to get that payout so Every Monday they're going to send out Whatever you have now right here you can Do the fast payout to your debit card For $1.99 fee but there is a little Hitch to that so you have the ability to
Set up your debit card or or your bank Account to get that fast cash out but You see here how my cash out is grayed Out so on my first day I was not able to Cash out and here is why so there are Actually some stipulations to that so if You want to get paid out with the Fast Cash you need to First Complete 25 Offers so go on 25 door dashes and you Have to be dashing for at least two Weeks so for the first two weeks you're Not going to be able to get out Instant Cash after that you'll be able to get Out cash after every door Dash or at the End of the day or whenever you want but You pay $1.99 for that so it is fast Cash but right now if you see I started Today on the 20th so my first payout is Not going to be until the 25th so that's Going to be 1 2 3 4 five six days and Then it may take 1 to 3 days for me to Be able to get that cash so 6 to 9 days Uh to be able to get your first payout And for the first two weeks that's how It has to be every Monday so uh just be Aware that it is pretty fast cash but You don't get the automatic withdrawals Your first two weeks now like I said it Is very important to be able to schedule Your time to be able to get those Windows where you want to be able to Make cash so you want to go ahead and Look at the schedules and a lot of times They will fill in schedules if people
Have dropped out Of the uh dashing say if they wanted to Not do it or they canel their Dash and So you can go and check this throughout The day also you can go ahead and Schedule for the next couple of days for The times that you want to work so you See here inside the dash WRA you would Click the schedule button and then it's Going to take you to the day page and so You can go ahead and select the day and Then it will have the areas for that Particular day so you see here for my Day two I've already been able to Schedule the 11:30 to 12:30 so for 1 Hour in the area that I want to go ahead And work at and then I have the 5:30 to 8:30 and that's what I actually work Today the 5:30 to 8:30 slot so I have Two opportunities to go ahead and make Some money here and then while you're Dashing if it gets busy in an area that You're in sometimes you will have the Ability to go ahead and say extend your Dash so that you can go ahead and uh Work a little bit longer 30 minutes an Hour 2 hours whatever they're allowing You to do so if it becomes busy you can Actually pick up some extra cash not in Your scheduled times also if you see a Hot area and your dash is done usually You have to wait 30 minutes between Dash Sections to be able to do that but if You do find a hot area and you want to
Go to that particular area and dash There you can actually select Dash on The way to the hot area and so you can Actually drive towards that hot area and Then pick up any calls on the way Outside of your scheduled time which is Pretty nice and right here you'll go Ahead and see that you can schedule on This page here but if you schedule on This page here it's only going to show You what's available for today so like We saw here we'll want to go into the Main Dasher app we'll want to click the Schedule button because that will give Us the ability to go ahead and schedule What do we have here 1 two 3 4 5 6 up to Seven days we can go ahead and schedule For things that are in our area and so We can go ahead and pick up some cash And know that we're going to be able to Have those opportunities available if You just use this regular schedule Button it's only going to show you what Is available for today that's left over And you see here you also have a gas Price here so if you go to the next page You're actually going to go ahead and See all the gas prices in the area for Where your car is sitting so you'll see Who has the cheapest gas who has the Most expensive gas and how long it's Going to be and if you find a gas Station that you want to go to you click This here this direction button and it's
Going to give you the option to be able To have directions to get there so you Know exactly how to get there and be Able to fill up your tank for the least Amount of money possible which is pretty Awesome and like I told you at the Beginning of the video there is a way to Be able to maximize your earnings so Right here is a pizza bag now I went Ahead and looked all through Amazon for All the different Pizza bags and most of Them are the really thin walled bubble Insulation Pizza bags that are not very Good I actually found this pizza bag on Amazon and it's very much like the ones Where I used to deliver at Little Caesars and and Pizza Hut it's got the Thick insulation it has the fold over Top and it has the handle where you can Actually carry up to four extra large Pizzas I believe this one here is Believe it's 24x 24 by 8 in high so you Can actually do four extra large pizzas In here it keeps them hot and it has the Thick insulation and the reason I tell You that is because inside the app you Actually have the option to deliver Pizzas and be able to get those pizza Jobs where you won't be able to get them If you don't have this pizza hot bag and So we see here if we go to dash Preferences inside the main tab of the D Door Dash app you click Dash preferences And then you go to the next one and on
The bottom you can say pizza delivery Pizza deliveries require that you have a Pizza bag and so what you do is you can Either order a bag in app but like I Said it's one of those thin walled not Very good bags or if you have a bag like You got it on Amazon you have the Ability to take a picture and verify it And it's instant verification 30 seconds To a minute once you're verified you're Going to be able to get those extra Pizza deliveries and actually my largest Order for the night with delivery and Tip was a pizza order on my first day it Actually the pizza bag was delivered 1 Hour before I went to uh start door Dashing and the great thing was is my Second order was a pizza delivery so it It goes to show that you can actually Get extra money if you take advantage of The pizza delivery option and uh it was Seamless I went in threw it in the hot Bag and I went ahead and made sure that Every time that I got these deliveries Whether it was a cold delivery or a hot Delivery I would take a picture and send Them a message saying it's in the hot Bag or it's in the cold bag on the way To your location and guess customers Seem to appreciate that hopefully I'll Be able to get some more reviews or Bigger tips for doing that and yeah this Was been a first day look at being able To go and make some quick cash with door
D now I'm going to be going through a Whole bunch of various different quick Gigs and be able to show you how to make Some quick cash if you need to scrape Together some money and pay some bills Or save up for whatever you're saving up For so you don't always have to take the Slow long approach to building passive Income if you need cash now there are Side hustles and side gigs that can help You stack that rather quickly thank you So much for watching here on the passive Cash stacker Channel I'm Daniel and I'll See you next time