Bookmasher Black Friday Cyber Monday Coupon Promo Discount – How to Automate Book Publishing Process

Bookmasher Black Friday Cyber Monday Coupon Promo Discount - How to Automate Book Publishing Process

Bookmasher Black Friday Cyber Monday Coupon Promo Discount – How to Automate Book Publishing Process

BFCM2024 20% OFF


Cook Books
Travel Guides
DIY Books
Coloring Books
Gardening Books
Wordsearch Puzzles
Crossword Puzzles
Children’s Books (Soon)
Coffee Table Books (Soon)


Bookmasher insights

Unlock the ultimate book creation software this holiday season with the BookMasher Black Friday Cyber Monday deal! Designed by Damon Nelson and Wayne Atkinson, BookMasher automates the entire book publishing process, making it easier than ever to create cookbooks, guidebooks, travel guides, word search puzzles, and more. With features like the Word Search Puzzle Maker, DIY Book Creator, and Puzzle Book Creator Software, you can design professional-quality books for Amazon KDP or personal use in just minutes.

Whether you’re looking to learn how to make a cookbook online, create a digital cookbook, or explore travel guidebook ideas, BookMasher has you covered. This powerful tool helps you write non-fiction books in 30 minutes, generate word search puzzles, and even build gardening guidebooks with ease. Perfect for authors, educators, and entrepreneurs, BookMasher combines creativity and efficiency to streamline your publishing workflow. Plus, their Black Friday and Cyber Monday Lifetime LTD purchase is the best time to secure this software at a huge discount!

Take advantage of the BookMasher Black Friday and Cyber Monday Coupon Promo Discount to transform your publishing process. Whether you’re creating a cookbook eBook, a puzzle book, or learning how to write a non-fiction book with AI, this is the software you’ve been waiting for. Unlock tools like the Word Search Maker, KDP Puzzle Creator, and more—don’t miss this opportunity to automate your book publishing success! ◀◀◀ JOIN MY WEEKLY ACCOUNTABILITY ACTIONTAKERS SQUAD (AAS) (Where We Create a Follow Along Money Making Asset Each Week) + Get All My Other Courses, Productivity Extensions & Trainings On PUBLISHING, AFFILIATE MARKETING & YOUTUBE RANKING!

⏰ Bookmasher Black Friday Cyber Monday Coupon Key Moments ⏰

00:00 BookMasher Black Friday and Cyber Monday Sale Announcement
00:14 How to Access the Discount
00:32 Navigating the Bookmasher Website
01:01 Applying the Discount Code
01:45 Bookmasher Features and Benefits
02:56 Final Reminder and Additional Savings
03:20 Conclusion and Thank You


🎬 Bookmasher Black Friday Cyber Monday Coupon Video Series 🎬

Bookmasher Black Friday Cyber Monday Coupon
How to Write Non Fiction Books in 30 minutes
How to Write a Full Book with Chatgpt :
Create a Best Selling Book In 4 Clicks:


Bookmasher Black Friday Cyber Monday Coupon Code Video Transcription


Book Masher has an amazing sale right Now for Black Friday and Cyber Monday Now you can get the LTD usually we have An exclusive coupon to get 10% off now You can actually get 20% off the LTD of Book Masher I’m going to show you Exactly how to do it right now you Follow the steps you’ll be able to go Ahead and take advantage of it down in The description below I’m going to have The link that goes directly to there so That you can go ahead and take advantage Of this it’s just info Bookmaster I’m also going to have it in The description below so right here at The top you see just info Bookmaster click the link in the Description below it’ll take you right Here now you’re going to go ahead and Scroll all the way to the bottom you Have the ability to buy this monthly but If you want to go ahead and get 20% off The lifetime you scroll all the way to The bottom and right here there’s going To be frequently asked questions is There an LTD we’re going to go and click On this we say click here to go ahead And grab it we’re going to click there And then right here now usually you have The exclusive discount right here of Daniel 10 so if you have missed the Black Friday discount you can get 10% Off but right here we’ll go ahead and Put it in so we click here it’s going to

Take us to the page we have the lifetime Deal and we can go ahead and put my Exclusive coupon here and it gives you 10% off gives you 100 bucks off but Right now if you go ahead and put this Code in here we’ll go ahead and cancel This one we’ll go ahead and put in the New code you can go ahead and claim this Until Monday for the next couple of days We hit apply right now you can get 20% Off $200 off and this is the lifetime Now remember on book Masher you have the Ability to go ahead and make non-fiction Books Illustrated books for your Cookbooks your coffee table books and Your children’s books activity books With coloring books word search books Crossword puzzles so if you see here Inside the app we do have the cookbooks Available travel guides DIY books Coloring books gardening books word Search puzzles and crossword puzzles and They’re getting ready to launch Children Books soon where it’s going to create The image and the story for you as well As coffee table books as well you’re Able to go ahead and use this inside of Your open AI key and with the open AI Key you’re making books for 18 to 19 Cents a piece using chat GPT 40 mini so This is amazing and you get lifetime it Automatically creates it for you you put It into our favorite app if you follow My uh Channel or if you follow our

Productivity action takers Squad Accountability action takers Squad the Favorite app where we just paste it in There and we get guaranteed books that Are approved every single time but like I said book Masher right now does have The Black Friday deal it has a lifetime Deal and if you go ahead and put the Exclusive coupon code that’s down in the Description right next to the link to Get to the page you can get that deal For yourself today and save 200 bucks Now remember if you miss the Black Friday which I don’t know why you would But if you missed the Black Friday you Can also use our exclusive coupon to get 10% off instead thank you so much for Watching this is the passive cash Stacker


Bookmasher Black Friday Cyber Monday Coupon Info Links


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