MASS Social Media Scheduling Bulk Posting With Vista Social Review

MASS Social Media Scheduling Bulk Posting With Vista Social Review

MASS Social Media Scheduling Bulk Posting With Vista Social Review Okay so it looks like we have our message and this is going to include any kind of link that we’re going to put in there any kind of hashtags the type that we’re going to put in there So image video article message the link is going to be to our media So right here media it’s going to be to our media And then the time that we want to post it and we’ll go ahead and have a scheduled time So you can either have the time for today you can have the date or you can print it or you can post it for now So it says import images videos and documents and we can go ahead and do multiple So let’s go ahead and import media and let’s see if we can drag and drop Let’s see if it allows us to do that So we want to go ahead and drag and drop So let’s see if this is going to work for us So do this super quickly So we’re going to go ahead and hook up our social media accounts so that we can actually get some profiles churning and

VistaSocial Review Demo Social Media Productivity Walkthrough – Vista Social Appsumo Lifetime Deal #vistasocial #vistasocialreview #vistasocialdemo #socialmediamanagement #socialautoposter

Okay so it looks like we have our Message and this is going to include any Kind of link that we're going to put in There any kind of hashtags the type that We're going to put in there so image Video article message the link is going To be to our media so right here media It's going to be to our media and then The time that we want to post it and We'll go ahead and have a scheduled time So you can either have the time for Today you can have the date or you can Print it or you can post it for now so It says import images videos and Documents and we can go ahead and do Multiple so let's go ahead and import Media and let's see if we can drag and Drop let's see if it allows us to do That so we want to go ahead and drag and Drop so let's see if this is going to Work for us I'll do this super quickly So we're going to go ahead and hook up Our social media accounts so that we can Actually get some profiles churning and Going

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About the Author: masterpassive